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[VX] PR ABS + Add Ons- 10/16

Hi everybody.
Thanks for this script it's a really good one. And easy to configure and customize even for someone who don't know Ruby (like me) with a little effort.

I can custom a lot of things (skills, items, animations, enemy, weapons, shield) but there is two things I can't find...

The first one is about delay
I can easily put a delay for basic attacks in the "Config - Weapons" page, but I can't put a delay to my skills and items. So I can flood skills and it's not fine for poor monsters (and for the gameplay). I searched during some hours without success. Do someone know what to do for this trouble?

The second one is about Range in Skills/Items
After some tries, I realized that a skill can't have a 3 cells range. It's difficult to explain but i'll try...

Examples :
# Thunder Storm (range = 1)
SKILLS[5] = [5, 1, QUAD, "Picture"]
Here, the skill Thunder Storm will hit 5 cells in front of the player and have a 1 cell range (with [5, 0, QUAD, "Picture"] it's the same effect)

Player > > > > X

# Thunder Storm (range = 2)
SKILLS[5] = [5, 2, QUAD, "Picture"]
When i put 2 for the range, the effect covers 2 cells around the 'impact cell'... so :

------ o o X X X X X
------ o o X X X X X
Player > > X X X X X
------ o o X X X X X
------ o o X X X X X

So it's impossible to put a skill like this :
------ o o o X X X
Player > > > X X X
------ o o o X X X

or a little cross around a target for example, impossible again :
o o X o o
o X X X o
o o X o o

I don't know if it's possible for me to fix this Range problem by myself, so if someone have an idea to what to do, I take it.

Well, I hope someone will answer for the skill/item delay at least.
(Sorry if there's some syntax mistakes in my sentences, i'm not an English speaker).
I don't know if this is how you post(I'm new to forums) but I think I'm posting to the PR ABS thing posted by RTH?
I dunno but I need some help. I downloaded the Overdrive system and added the script properly.
But Every time I try my game(I am using the latest PR ABS), I get the error message:
Script ' ' line 39: NameError occurred.
uninitialized constant PRCoders.

I too get the 'PRCoders Module' Line 606: Win32::Registry::ErrorOccured. error..

Can anyone please try it and see if they get it too?
I am having an issue with a PRABS script for rpg maker vx, Whenever I start my game and teleport to the map with enemies I get an error message:

Script 'Game_Event' line 29: NoMethodError occured.
undefined method 'x' for nil:NilClass

It happens when I press down,down, S ( the FrontFrontAttack combo ) is their a way I can either fix this or simple disable the combo? Its very irritating...otherwise nice script



I cant believe im reviving a 4 year old topic, but i cant seem to find a demo or script of this? anyone got it on hand?
This might sounds dumb but... Can smeone please tell me how to download this? I'm new to RPG maker and I jsut want to start something awesome ,and I really liked the combat style for this! I'm not sure how to download this and install it in the files, so it would be much appreciated if someone could help a fello rpg maker out C:

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