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Dead Content Legend of Aetheria

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I see where you're going with this.. and I like it. I think I might leave the 'of' as it is, but change 'Aetheria' to match the style of 'Legend.' Thanks a lot for the ideas. ;)

And yes, the clock is very important. I didn't reveal a certain story element that is very central to the game, simply because I wanted players to experience an element of surprise. :O

Your input is very much appreciated. If there's anything else you see that needs changing, do not hesitate to post about it. :)

To anyone that has played the game before:
Do you think I should write about that plot element? Or keep it a secret as I have in the past?
Hey hey, he's not a cheerleader. I like to refer to him as captain of the "I <3 Alastyr" fan club : ).

(Joking Dralem, calm down :p)
Damn Kamain staff =P
Well, I do kinda miss this game starring the little red headed hero Aluxes, but I guess his change was for the better.

Oh yeah, did you shape up the beginning? I remember it was just a bit too, fast going. You kinda just randomly got drafted to work for the king :-\
Ha! that's right.. I need to work on that.. :-/

Although, Lance does this kind of thing on a regular basis. Usually boring jobs like escorting trade routes. Both he and rusa's party are part of a 'mercenary/yeoman' kind of deal, hired to do little things like that. Oddly enough, I forgot to take that idea out of my head and stick it in the game. ':|

Please excuse me while I do that now.. ;)
Since when did backgrounds have to be exciting, my title screen background is just plain black. Does that make it "trash". Before you had even posted that he had already changed his font if you look in his sig and why does it matter if continue is near new game, as long as you can see it you can select it.
The glowing text has already been removed, I just haven't updated the screenshot. (look at my sig) ;)

I'm not sure what you mean by continue should be close to new game.. you select the options using the clock..it's called innovation :-/

If I find some time, I'll work on the background. I'm not beaming with pride about it either. :lol:

Thanks for the input ;)
Okay, I confess my newest game's Title Background is white. If the new title looks like the sig it is better. And calibre, that matters, every single detail matters in a game. But if Alastyr says it's selected by using the clock, that's really cool. I'm out.
Rodrix, I didn't mean something faulty in a game should be overlooked, but I didn't think the way new game and continue were positioned looked at all odd.
Like Alastyr said, it's innovation, just because it's different from the norm doesn't make it wrong.
It does, indeed. When you press the arrow keys, the minute goes forward by 30 mins, selecting Continue or new game. The hour hand also moves forward. (the current shot was taken after moving the minute hand 4 times)
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