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Dead Content Kailis

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Oh, I'm not doubting the actual story. But I was merely stating from what I've seen so far - which is what everyone sees first when playing this. You could have the most elaborate story in the world that takes off soon after the beginning; but something to keep in mind is that some potential players might be turned off from the beginning, and leave without even knowing that they are missing the time of their lives.

No offense or anything intended, of course. Just trying to help. :>
I'll just be honest, I don't know if thats the final soundtrack but I didn't like it at all, infact it got annoying and distracted from the dialog. Now it might be because I stayed up late last night working on some graphics, but the intro made my eyes droop, I honestly was thinking are they done talking yet.I would suggest some more clutter and detail to your maps they were kinda boring, except for that map with the crystal was that was awesome. You could also do without those big animations that do not fit. Try spriting some poses for the sprites instead. These are just some suggestions from a nobody.

The good side is the story is interesting, despite the long cutscene. The sprites were awesome and matched the background maps nicely.That dragon sprite is gonna be a classic, it really wowed me lol. I like your message system and I like the window skin you used. Soundeffect plus emocons are always cool good job so far. Keep up the good work^^.
i want to help but u meen that ill create sprites?
if yes so ill help
im sry abput the poor english im not a kid im from israel
avihu123;330823":3ty63eqp said:
i want to help but u meen that ill create sprites?
if yes so ill help
im sry abput the poor english im not a kid im from israel

Yeah, Kailis needed spriters. Not sure if they're still needed, but I'm sure that if you really want to help, Ax won't stop you.
Kailis will be back in business full haul once a lot of our core team is done with holiday havoc and mayhem. We have all been very busy with school, work, and family so we will be starting to work much more in the next few months so expect some new goods from Luna Productions.

P.S. As for the spriter, please leave me a PM with some of your examples and we will talk then!
Hello all,
I'm sorry for the long winded wait, but I am announcing that Kailis will be back in business quite soon. The spring and summer holidays are fast approaching which widens our time as a crew to get much needed work completed on this game. We are still taking in people for spriting positions and going to continue work with the breeze style. I my self have recently started college and been busy with work to get money to push this project further. I look forward to revealing a new update as soon as I can collaborate my scripts together for our artist, get my spriters into the swing of work again, and get some more musical pieces cranked out in time. I want this project to be as amazing as I've always imagined it to be.

With that said I am going to start working on Kailis once more and hopefully I can release new updates soon.
*Just finished the demo*

...Ummm, is this like a "dialogue only" game where you just press one button all the time? Adding the text skip feature with button will really be benefitial for players who get bored after the first first dialogue sets. I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO BATTLE But then the game ends on me with Luna getting out of that temple... I wasted AN HOUR trying to skip through the cutsceans... Frustereating when your pressing the "c" button a thousand times.

For the game comment : THERE IS WAY too much dialogue! I think you should really add a script to skip cutscenes, or the less pain full way would be to add a "text skip at button" feature in your text script.
Yes the new demo when it is finished, will put the player directly into the midst of battle. That was one of my main goals of this next demo that will feature all new content. It will incorporate battle and cutscenes more decisively and give the player the sense of depth and emerse the player more into their world instead of the direct force of cutscene heavy demos. That demo was specifically to show off what has been done as well give a good taste of the story in a weakly organized demo. But none-the-less it is a demo in itself.

I will water down how much there is said. But increase the dialogue strength and hopefully convey the dialogue spoken more maturely without taking away from the depth of the story. Most will hopefully enjoy the style of text for cutscenes in the end. They will be full of graphical emotions and expressions. Voice overs will be cut out for now, when the episode is finished I will plan to replace that feature. Seeing as it is irrelivant at the time, and also will devoid the player of giving a player a voice which is classicly known throughout most RPG's.

Currently I am writing out the script for a crew member and hopefully be able to work out the kinks there for dialogue and organize this more for the next demo :D
Thanks for your time! I appreciate the comments!
Hello all,
Currently for the past few nights since I announced getting back on track i have wrote down our game script compiling all emotions, events, scene events, player or NPC actions, and speeches made by characters for this first episode. It is at the moment 29 pages long, and just barely over halfway. This new demo will allow for plenty of fights,  but ultimately end after scene 13 which is coming up, as soon as I can finish scene twelve's dialogs and side quest, yes you heard me correctly SIDE QUESTS, something we trashed a long time ago and are now reviving so that players can complete the side quest even after indulging themselves with a healthy portion of the storyline to the game in the demo. The side quest can actually benefit the player in the end to being able to purchase higher end items earlier on in the game along with taking the restoration of Kailis to a step further.

I can tell you now, the game starts off throwing you into the middle of danger to allow you a chance to feel the game's mechanics before we introduce any dialog and character development. As a sight to see where some of our game work has gone, here is a sneak peak at what that small area you start off in, which will be filled with enemies and some puzzles to get action hungry players your fix!
http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b347/ ... Teaser.png[/img]

As well for the few who may have heard we were planning to combine episode one and two together, we still have not considered fully on whether to do this or not. We have plenty of material to do this, but I can assure what the title of the 2nd episode will be. Considering we have artwork and character sets for episode 2 always worked on. As well as the world map for episode two already started. It will be called Kailis: The Crystal Souls - Episode 2: A Frozen Past. Many mysteries await the brave Luna, Reyvk, and Noki as they venture onto the "White Sheet" and explore its vast glacial landscape full of mysteries of the past and unique characters itching for an exciting adventure.
It's not that we're all action hungry, but I was disappointed in the demo, like the person above^^ Hour worth of dialog @_@

I'm surprised that's your demo, after six years of work... unless you mean 6 years of paperwork, because I've got 11 years of paper work on my game The Echoside. Of course, I've only got 2 years of work between 3 computers (2 broken) on my project, so I can't say I don't believe you.

Good luck, I'm going to go ahead and give your game a second chance... I'll check back here again some day and check out your progress. Good luck in the future, I'll be checking back to see if you actually have a 'game'. ;)
I have 4 years of written story work, hand drawn maps, character biographies, and more "Paper Work" if that is what to mean. Reason i don't have more to show, I've got limited amounts of crew members assisting me. The story has changed a lot from the beginning and also we are changing graphical styles. There is actually a lot more that you can't see in that demo, I actually have the entire 1st dungeon mapped and monster filled and was working on quest objectives. If you did explore the demo you actually could try the battle system but everyone FAILS to locate it at the beginning of the game where you can select new game, continue, TUTORIAL, or Quit. There is PLENTY to do with the demo, but if you want to know how long the current script is for the demo, its 14 scenes long with a side quest. Which is not what we have in that demo.

Everyone complains about how much dialog there is, go look at any successful game and you get cutscenes, back in the day there was so much reading involved that it got old, but you need to read to even understand this game's storyline, otherwise, it isn't going to make sense and you are going to be disappointed.

I have in my personal email all the unseen and seen objectives of each game and how they all play through. If you want to go through notebooks worth of paperwork from my game I would be obliged to let you view it. Also if you knew how far back I had started this, I had began work on it before I even came to RMXP.NET, the orginal RMXP.org. When RMXP scripting work was nothing more than a few caterpillar scripts and bad mock ups of side view battle systems... So yes. I do have a lot of work on my game, which is why it is in this forum, I've spent many years to build up this project so if you don't respect the storyline then there is really no reason for you to play.

Kailis is very story driven, combat oriented, and puzzle oriented. Otherwise, it will be a few weeks even a month before we have a new demo out. We have so many things that go into Kailis that working with it takes a while. I don't think your game has 2 solid albums of music which are all composed by the same person for simply 2 episodes? which are supposed to be about an hour or two long each. Not all action mind you, a lot of it is story driven especially the first episode. It has to explain so much in so little time that it can be a little overwhelming. That is the main reason this demo even had that much dialog, let alone the episode itself.

Later Episodes will hardly have as many cutscenes... Trust me, I'd shoot my self if they did :)

Thanks for keeping with it, I am going to be updating the first post with some new stuff and a fresher look for this game to show off what we have more of now! And allow glimpses of the past as well!
Well hello everyone!
Back for a while we have tried to sell some content and material especially made for this game. Due to the lack of interest from people I have decided to take out our buyables for now. Maybe in future episodes I will re-establish this!
But I don't come just baring bad news, in fact I would like to release our Episode 1 Poster. I will however still send a full glossy print of this poster to those who wish it, I will be charging 10$ per sheet that is mailed out. Address is required for purchase and a paypal account, please PM me for this service!
http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b347/ ... Poster.png[/img]
New update!
Kailis now has it's website up and running. Use the forums to discuss specific topics such as music, the art, spritework, the game's storyline itself, or even contribute your own fan made pieces of art, musical dedications, or character sprites that could very well be used in the game! The website itself has character biographies of the current episode, the story for the current episode, concept art seen nowhere else, up-to-date major news about the current episode, and downloadable content (More will be added atm, it is just our RTP Cutscene Demo), and more!

The website is at: www.rpgrevolution.com/kailis/

[Note]: This is not an advertisement to view the site, your will is your own to view the website, it is simply here to inform those who may be interested.
The game work is in full swing still.
However with the start of the Breeze Revolution, my work and school schedule, when I get more updates that are publicly releasable, most of them have been personal updates within the team, I will show them.

Our forum on our website has some interesting pieces on it. I plan to rework our gallery section and work on the crew page so everyone can see more about us! Apply to our forums, become a fan, draw us fan art, comment on our game in specific areas, or simply follow us with how our progression is. Whatever suits you best we are proud of all of our fans and aim to please ;)

Speaking of our website, we now have a new, user-friendly layout for those who may have dialup or slow internet loading speeds. I plan to add a custom cursor for the site eventually, I just have to get around to it :) Please check it out and tell us what you think!
The game's website now has a chat feature, new song, a screenshots gallery, and more. Please visit our forums we love to hear what you want to say.

I may make new userbars for Kailis in the next day or so, please check back to see what I came up with :D
Update: The website has been updated with current information, new images, and more. Give it a new looksie. You may have to right-click and reload the center frame to "refresh" the page being seen within if they are not automatically updated for you.

Also, please feel free to leave comments in this thread as well, I enjoy seeing them.
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