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Dead Content ( FULL GAME ) Under.

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Well, I must say, you have yourself here a great game. You're puzzles have stumped me form time to time but I always managed through them, but now I'm stuck. I'm in the first room after you take control of Leon. With the push cart and the two switches. I'm sure the answer is obvious or maybe I'm thinking too hard about it, but I can't seem to do it.

Ahh haha. Never mind I found it out. It was very simple.

EDIT: And now I'm stuck again. The place with the five lights? I know it has somehitng to do with that sign in the town about clock directions, but I've tried everything...
Hmm. I'm not to sure where you are stuck. But if it's where I think here is the answer. There should be 5 more lights right beyond the closed gate. Turn on the lights you are at in the same pattern as the ones below you. Hope that's the right place.
I re-instated the demo link and updated the main topic. And, any new players, feel free to post your finishing score and I'll post it!



Oooh I'm seeing some new things here. (Haven't downloaded in a while.)

What's the Activation check?

I prefered 'Carved In Stone' as the Place of Trials main theme. And some other themes are no longer used that are way better than the RTP... as in all jstreet's music. Especially Carved in Stone and I Swing You Swing.
But use of that TBE battle theme is good. ^^

De-detailing the face graphics make them match Black Effect better.

Now for a mapping error. In the room to the right of the first split, the one with several boxes and place to put them, there is a burnt slab of stone that should be impassable.
And... what the crap is a wine glass doing above one of the switches? oO;
...wait is it on purpose?

Lastly in the final scenes, is Digit meant to be unconsious then stand up? If so I made a canine/wolfman/gobin01 'down'. It's in the resources forum somewhere. Use it if you wish. ;)

Yep that's it for now. Intrested to see the new additions.
Isn't a Directors Cut usully shorter?

EDIT: My total points for the original was 25,258.
Jirbytaylor;224549 said:
Yep that's it for now. Intrested to see the new additions. Isn't a Directors Cut usully shorter?

Actually Directors cut's are usually longer since the director usually had to cut a lot of what he wanted to keep in order to fit the running time he was given and/or get the rating he wanted.



There are lots of little errors I've been finding. XD
One just like that in the map east of there.
The pots in the hallway from the Trials entrance.
The switch in the map where you meet Arshes turns blue.
A few maps onward, in the map where I found you could walk on the lava, the light base appear above the player. The one above the switch.
Is the switch handle meant to disappear?

Thats all for now. ^^ Intresting some of the new things.
Like the reference to the haunted mine in TBE. :eek:
Where were you when testing??? lol.
Yes, with T.B.E. suddenly coming in and taking all my time Under was left kind of neglected. I thank this game for teaching me some RMXP tricks, and I thank everyone (Although wondering why) for liking the game so much, without that TBWE would not exist. But Under has been left neglected. When someone like you points out errors I do fix them and eventually upload a new version free of those errors, but I don't toil over it.
One thing though. The switch that turns blue is on purpose. It has to do with the alternate ending. But don't spend too much time looking into it. I have taken out the alternate ending so the game flows into TBE that much more.



Where was that? A short while after the maps with the empty chests and rocks painted to look like chests. And just before the map which the party falls into through a hole and has to push that famous box that causes alternate timelines to begin.
Thanks. I think. I'm kind of suprised to see this topic back up again.
Well, if you get stuck there is a walkthrough available. Good luck and thank you.


Awesome Bro

I've played bother UnDer and Black and I love UnDer more. It's a great game, great story. Plays to my fancy with alternate universes.
Thank you. But since Under and Black are essentially the same story I don't see how you could like one over the other. (Unless of course I'm just not getting the presentation in Black right. lol) Originally the entire game of Under was one dungeon in Black. I just made it a stand alone game for the contest. But both games have the exact same story and connect to eachother.
Anyhow, it's really nice to see people still trying out Under and thank you for your comments.
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