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I just beat the game with 36149 points.^_^ I had letter 3 and I hit a high up switch that did nothing but still got the normal ending. Oh well. Ill try again later.
I'm not sure, and only the man could answer this but I noticed that the rotating download links have stopped and for some reason recall something about removing the alternate ending. He used to change download links when he wanted to post the version you can get the alternate ending and that's stopped.
Maybe it has somethin to do with interferring with The black effects story. I know originally TBE was only loosely based on Under, but after playing Part 1 of TBE it seems the story is heavily Under reliant. So maybe Man did away with the alternate ending of Under for story reasons.
That's one heck of a game there! The story is so interesting that you just cant stop playing until you know how it all ends :D But every time you have the feeling that finally you might have reached the end, something happens and it's like the game would go on forever xD Anyway, I'm stuck in a place and I just can't figure it out what to do :s

If I remember correctly, somewhere beforehand you should have found a dead guy right before entering the cave. With Leon and group. If you examined the dead guy you should have found a hammer. Use the hammer on the rock.
Hmm I don't have a hammer =/ Oh well, I'll go back to look for it.
Thanks for the info :)

Edit - I found the hammer and I got trough.
Completed the game now ^_^
So, I've updated the player scores and put up for download the directors cut of this game.
It features some new area's, story elements, and is bug free. It also features some graphical updates.
Dude your game is simply amazing! I haven't gotten that far yet, but out of all the RPG Maker games I've downloaded, this is the only one I've actually gotten into :) I hope to see more from you.
I got an error:
After a puzzle with Leon&co where you have to switch five lights on/off in the same pattern as another set of five lights across a locked door, I jumped down the rope ladder, but when I got to the bottom it couldn't find the right bgm, Town02 I think, and quit. Luckily, I saved just before that ^_^
Sorry Roman Candle.
I must have missed that BGM.
I've fixed and re-uploaded the game.

@ Roman Candle. If you don't want to re-upload you can copy/paste the BGM into the BGM folder.

You can find the BGM here:

c://programfiles/common files/enterbrain/rgss/standard/audio/bgm.

Sorry for anyone who downloaded the previous Directors cut. If you're missing the sound file you can do the same or re-download.
The new version is really nice, although I've noticed you've removed alot of the scripts from the game. Very very polished. I am glad I replayed the new one, even though I was expecting a lot more new scenes. I also noticed that you added a lot of stuff to tie it in with T B E a little more. Unless you really really like the game I wouldn't reccomend another download to play through again. But if you have not played Under yet now is the best time. Great game.
Excellent dungeon crawl so far, but I've hit a wall.

Arshes has just joined my party, and I'm well under the abandoned town. I've hit a room where there's a single barred door at the bottom. I killed a party of monsters and was told they dropped a key, but nothing showed up in my inventory.

Any pointers on where to head next?
You're only getting started, wait until the time shifting starts. lol.
If you're where I think you are the key does not show up in the inventory. Just take it to the lock in front of the barred door and examine the lock. It'll give you the option to use the key.
I've downloaded you game, I haven't played since chapter 1 was up. This is great story telling you've done. I'm the maps were very interesting too, I swear I see a cup on the wall in the beginning, or theres a extra small room that you can only see part of and never get to. There were a few errors like being able to walk around walls and such. heres one of my favorites:

edit:I finished the game but the audio files "042-positive01" and "jstreet_-_dungeonskey" were missing. I was able to fix if but just adding adding files with the same name into the audio file.
Thanks for you're comments. The screenshot you posted was/is a inside joke.
It is not something that was missed, well it was at first, but now it's just something I've left in the game.
You downloaded the previous version that has the missing music files. There were 8 total downloads before I realised they were not there, it's been fixed now. Again, thank you so much for playing and I hope you enjoyed it. I know alot of people don't liek the ending but ir is necisary. I will say this though. Every area you see you can get to some how. The question is how?
Ok need some help

I just discovered the underground city, and then triggered the door, Im now at the part where there are 2 holes that the sword will fit into, but they are across some water, but i dont know what to do.
You don't just need the sword to activate the holes. See if you have anything else in your inventory that can be used to reach the hole from afar.
You are missing 2 daggers.

Where are they?
In the room before you fight the big bird they are lying on the floor beside the broken switch.
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