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Ethereal Dreams

Well done. This completely one ups our own April Fool's prank. Let this be a lesson on how to properly invest an unrenowned amount of time to fool a small group of people.
@Despain: If we didn't keep it true to the original, we'd no longer be able to call ourself PW Geeks :)

It took about a month to make. Two weeks on the base scripts and two weeks on events and some of the more cosmetic scripts. The most tedious part was probably the sprite edits, but Maks handled all of that, so I guess I can't really comment on that. I will say that my DS felt abused, especially during those first two weeks. (Turn it on, open and close the court record a few times, turn it off (or better yet, forget to turn it off, and leave it on with a lid closed all night))

I wasn't actually planning on publicly releasing the system because I cut quite a few corners, and made it just do specifically what we needed it to. I will however send an unencrypted version of the game (along with a text file explaining the various switches, variables and script calls that I'm hopefully going to write tomorrow after work) to those who ask. I will warn that I'm not sure how versatile it will be. For example, I didn't program in support for more then 8 pieces of evidence, and there's currently no save function.

Oh, and I actually saw that one PW-esque graphic you posted a week or two back. It kinda amused me, since I was working on DA at the time.

@Xathia: I was once bad at them too ^^; I should have made the damage do less like I was originally going to do, but I wanted to keep it true to the original.

@JD: Glad you got a chance to play it :) We had a lot of fun with the cameos (since we haven't had a chance to put any in the actual game... yet)

@ArtBane: We might have put a fair amount of time into this, but we had alot of fun while doing so, and that's what counts. I don't think we'll ever be able to top it though... ^^;
I've never played PW either, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. The fact that you spent a whole month making it is awesome too. It shows. Great stuff. :)

Anyway, what's the apple orchid anyway? Is that a reference to something like
The Blighted Venom, which is referenced in the line after the one with "apple orchid" in it?
Or is it just a typo for "Orchard"?
eck gard, I swear I replied to you weeks ago Arcanum >.>
Just a typo ^^; Proof reading the script was really back burnered in favor of getting all the resources and events done.


So I've finally managed to flick the artistic switch back on and finish a few pictures that have been sitting around for a while, as well as complete a couple quick new ones. So, while not much of an update (since game wise we'd rather not share what we're working on quite yet), here's a sizable art dump. Generally speaking, the usual art set-up: Line art and background by Makio, Character color by me. (with the exception of the Rowena and Casimire picture, which Maks colored)

Makio: When I get bored, I get bored.  And it's particularly worse when I'm too hyper to make anything of much worth.  The most recent time this happened, I wanted to write, but didn't want to write anything serious because I knew it was going to evolve into a pile of crack by the end.  As such, I told Racheal I wanted to write purposefully bad fanfiction about our characters.  So we started picking out the fanfic cliches, one of which is of course taking all the characters from whatever walk of life and jamming them together in a High School.
Thus Ethereal High was born!
Anyway, the story itself is riddled with plot devices that happen to be spoilers to the REAL plot of our game (how could we resist playing with some of the later elements of the game that we don't get to currently), but here's a picture I drew just because I could.
http://etherealdreams.org/ArtThread/Off ... l_High.png[/img]
Racheal: What can I say, Drunk Attorney created the urge to dress Kix in furs and bling. (Blame the sprite she was traced off.) A slightly different style for myself and Maks, but it was fun to experiment with.
Makio: This picture was entirely inspired by my past love for looking at cute couple pictures on Japanese Fanart sites.  It was late at night and I wasn't sleepy, so I decided to finally give drawing something of that ilk a whirl.  I rather like the result, things like Rowena's legs make me really happy.
The background didn't quite hit the vibes I wanted, but it works.
Yay for characters that have not been introduced yet!
Racheal: For quite some time, I've been bugging Maks about wanting to a dynamically lit piece. This isn't quite what I had in mind, but it satisfied a fews artistic urges at least XD Maks got to draw someone in weird clothes, I got to color Alicia AND do a slightly more dynamically shaded piece.
Fun tidbit: Maks says she looks like a grungy Rock Star
A WIP piece of the four prominent Gods in Teirra
We've had the religion in our game plotted out for quite some time now, but since it's tied to the plot in places, I can't touch on it too much here. But here's some brief bios on the gods themselves:

Starting from left to Right:
Demtir - A dark God of Power. His followers tend to keep to the southern end of Enoshia, but sometimes travel to Silvania to escape Seilehm's worshipers. The two fractions have had a ongoing hatred for several years.
Proud followers of Demtir flaunt their religion by wearing 3 sharp, gold necklaces. Their numbers are in decline.

Seilehm - Goddess of Bravery and Honour, those that worship her occupy the northern tip of Enoshia. The most predominant player in her religion is the House of Sighelm in Aravinda. Many brave and powerful female leaders have been born from this fraction. It is their belief that Seilehm's the mother of all humans, thus they want to bring misguided members of Demtir's religion back to her guiding light. The House of Sighelm is said to be the purist form of her lineage.

Quatzeltal - The elves worship Quatzeltal as the God of Knowledge. He was said to be a great speaker, who spent most of his life in study. Because of this god's vast knowledge, the elves hold the words of his church well above their own law. Countless number of ceremonies are held in this god's name each year in the city of Lazi.

Isara - The fairy god of Magic. What small texts were actually formed in this God's name, always depict him as a lighthearted God who guided the fairies through life. No festivals are held in his name, instead large festivals for each season are celebrated yearly, which was said to be his idea. Because of this, Isra's name is slowly fading into history as time goes by.

Ok, I lied, I have a tiny game update to share. We've recently fancied up the message window a bit, so here's an image (with random text)
Still need to edit the pause graphic and maybe play with the font a bit, but otherwise it's more or less done.
I love the new stuff, I adore the god of honor and that one dynamic lighting picture does look like a rockstar and if she is trying to pull off a seductive lip biting pose. :P

Good stuff I'm looking forward to seeing more!
the message box looks fantastic! and I really like the concepts for the gods, I still enjoy things like that despite them being everywhere XD religion just makes things a level more interesting.
Great stuff, and I love the winding dragon around the new message box. Alicia and Kix's portraits are my favourite out of the artworks, although Alicia kind of looks like Kix with longer hair in that pic. :p
The new message box sure looks rad! I'd prefer the name part to be on the same side as the face part, but that's just me :)

Also, I've tried DA. It was really fun and I wish you could finish it XD
It's an awsome game, love the simple story line and conversation between the characters.

Just one problem... Every time I go into the armor shop I cannot go back... I press the 'x' (standard Canel) button but it won't bring me back. I get stuck in the scene forever...

Well folks, I thought I should save you all the pain of actually wringing every drop of goodness out of the demo yourselves, and give you a heads up.

So I decided to sit down and figure out how to defeat that man eating plant in the Northern Slime Forest. It is, after all, the last critter to be unlocked in the demo's besitary.

Here is how I had to go about it:
-I spent plenty of time in the mountains running around in a pool of water until all of my character were at level 20.
-I bought all the best physically defensive armors and equiped them.
-I equiped everyone's strongest weapon (attack power, that is).
-I fed everyone but Phylip bottle upon bottle of Ale until they were good and drunk!
-Now you are ready to begin the battle!
-A great deal of luck is involved, as you have to count on the critter only using his mass attack once, and your drunken fools striking relatively regularly. You can't control them, so hope for the best. Make sure you saved at the nearby save point before the battle.
-Phylip will defend the first turn.
-For the next two turns, have Phylip use your stock of elemental orbs. They will knock off almost half of the creatures life force. For some reason, I had better damage if I defended with Phylip the first round and then used the items the following two rounds.
-If everything works out, and your lush friends managed to hit often enough, the critter will go down in around four rounds.

Ta Da!

Now to see what rewards we shall reap!

Wait a second! Only TWO experience points!
What's this!? The monster still blocks the path after you return to the map!!
Well, at least you can now check out that last elusive critter in the bestiary... CRASH!!! The name is filled in, but folks, the picture file is missing, which leads to a fatal error :(

So if you are like me, and MUST do it all, just remember not to actually select the monster in your bestiary after you have defeated him.

Thanks to the developers for a fantastic demo!

I was SO hoping for the "Holy cow, you actually wasted three hours of your life in order to beat that impossible monster and access this super cool developers room?!" scenario... No cigar :P

Great, great game, guys!

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