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breeze-template (PA)

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I think it looks very good, mars! maybe a bit of shading's needed, but it's very nice (better than my attempt on a breeze tileset)


P.S. the sand is GR's, so blame him, and it's not that bad



Im new to spriting and as of yet don't have a single sprite on the forums (I might have uploaded one at somepoint :S) anyways...

My game Nanotema started off as a normal (movement-wise) game... I used isometric design for part of my art but talking to some people on here inspired me to make my whole game isometric...

Im considering making an 8 directional version of the template and making characters based on that... That way I can use these nicely designed templates in my game...

They have that cartoony style that I would like nanotema to have... Not over-detailed and small enough that 4 frames runs smooth enough on them.

Would you object to using the template for this?



Ive nearly finished... looking at it, its nothing special but the speed those little breezers move at using the 8 directional script is ballanced so that they look okay... I'll post the sprite / the 8-dir demo with all the characters in it as this template to show you.

Does anyone know of an 8-dir pixel movement script?




The 8 directional sprite / character set... For informational purposes... the direction order may seem random but thats how the 8-dir script I used to test it uses... Im still looking for an 8 dir pix movement script...

Okay... and also attached is the demo project with the test 8-dir template implimented for you to mess about with... Note that the script wasn't made by me.. instead it was made by the guy with a dragon avatar picture.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE edit this for me as it looks right but im sure some parts or ALL of it could be improved... Any and all C&C is welcome.


I've just made one frame of both my male and female characters for Nanotema... As the player chooses a gender at the begining of the game they are stuck with one of the two so I need them to be as good as they can be... So I need the 8-dir template to be fixed and I need to know how to improve the following two:

http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i12 ... lims01.PNG[/IMG]
:x It's 72 hours not 71!

Just kidding.

I'd like to see more of those tilesets, those great. :D When I first saw the breeze I didn't like it, but now I really love it. It must have been GR's screenshots from a while back.

These would look great in a TBS, someone should try making the average tactical rpg jobs. Just a thought. :>



That would be nice. I reckon theyd fit perfectly as game pieces like those of a chess board or something of the like. So yeah, a TBS played out as a game rather than "this is a battle, fight for your lives" style tbs.
Lei I would appreciate it if you'de stop double posting in my tread. please create your own.

I haven't been around much recently *got lots of stuff to do :(* But I will update the tread when I get back home today *is in college right now*



Heh, I live at college Green, sorry for the double posts...

I would apreciate any C&C you have as you're the master here.

Lol... I'll probably be clearing up horse crap when you reply to this X_X
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