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Dead Content [9MM][DEMO] Arias Lust

Dead content awaiting restoration.
Oh finally played the demo... it is really neat, I like the combat system and the settings seem quite solid and mysteryous so far, me wants more O.O

Only qualms I have are with the system set(looks good mostly, but in some windows it look really bad) and the facesets, not really bad, specially for being original, but they are not in pair with the rest of the graphics.
If by "System Set" you mean window skin, I'll probably remove the Inside part and just leave the border.

As for the face sets...*sighs* I'm a horrible drawer, but those facesets in the alpha demo have already been changed (For the better I hope).

I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's comments like those that makes things much easier to progress the game.
Yep, I meant windowskin, still used to rm2k/3 vocabulary XD
But yeah, or if anything, take off those screw holes from the plate (the plate on the inner part of the window). makes things better already :)

Anf nah, not horrible, they just didn't fit with the rest of the graphics, they are actually good for hand drawn faces (I sprite all faces rather than drawing then...)

And glad the comment gave you a morale boost, I know how that feels, so will continue waiting for more!
The deadline is today! The official release of the Arias Lust Demo! Check the first post for thread updates and downloads. Check spoiler tags for Credits, Misc. Game information, and the official Strategy Guide. Please report any game halting errors, you may find.

I'm aware of most of the writing errors, but they aren't too bad.

Anyway, play the game! Have fun! Tell me what you think pros/cons people! Go now go go go!
Hmm, I'm a bit curious are there opinions about the game, because I'm actually thinking about redesigning it (again :P). If people like it as it is I'll continue, but if it's not really up to par, then I have plans to redesign it, but it will take more time; a lot more time.
Seems like this got some truly original touches to it. Strangely I never saw this thread around until just now. Downloading at the moment.

P.S. You made the tilesets? :eek:
Ouch, it hurts to know that I don't get noticed. -_-

Yes, I did make the tile sets. I did most of all of the pixeling aside from a few things here and there.
:| Well now that you got a demo up, it'll be much more active for sure!

And damn, what the hell, you are Jstreet?! Rofl, I was wondering where he went... Back when I was lurking on .org, I ran into your music a lot. Good stuff, gave me some inspiration to start composing too, heheh.

So far in the game, I really like how so many things are original, as well as the detail of things (e.g. the conv. with the woman at the bar, etc.). The battle system was a little confusing at first with the points, but then I read the descriptions.

Much kudos on all the original aspect of the game you made, graphic and audio wise. Must've taken ages to do. The maps had very fitting ghetto atmosphere in them, and the dialogues' accents were done well in my opinion.

For the voice acting, it did feel a little awkward having some dialogues to be VA'ed and others not, but that can't be helped. They did add a nice touch to it though. :)
Lmao, yes, I am J-Street. I changed my forum alias quite a while ago, because Selwyn depicted me as a gangster Panda (hence the avatar), and that's been my IRC alias for sometime as well.

Well, you are right on several things. It did take ages to finally get this demo out, but also you've pointed out some of the inconsistencies from where I asked for help and only got part-timers. Hence why I'm thinking about killing this all together and revamping everything from scratch. Now, I want to take out the conventional RPG aspects, and do something a little more unique.
Why does this get so little attention? When looking at the date on which the first post was made, it seems so few others have posted in that time. This project even has custom graphics. If not for the storyline, at least give it a go for the graphix. ^_^ *starts up the demo*
Worth the download.

The characters are interesting, the voice acting gives the game a plus.
The storyline about war and conspiracy is being pulled of very well, rare are the games that does it in Rpg Maker.

I really don't like the Spriting Style, but I admire that they are all original, created by you from scratch. The Music is lovelly as always, these two aspects, graphics and audio gives the game a unique atmosphere.

The Battle System was confusing at first, but soon I figured it out, and realized how interesting it was, we have to use strategy, otherwise a easy battle becomes hard, it is indeed very interesting.

Let me ask, I may be wrong, but I think read somewhere that you're planning to release this commercialy, am I correct?

I'm looking for more of your game.
Coming from you, I know it will be finished.
Actually, no I'm not releasing this commercially. I'd much rather have a game of better quality for a commercial release.

It appears that you guys do like it, so I'll continue it as it is and just may all the renovations for future releases. I appreciate the feedback that's been coming in since the bump. I didn't think it would get that much attention, but it appears I was wrong.

Thanks people! ^_^

Also, if you're having trouble with beating the demo, there is a full strategy guide that covers the entire demo. You can find that on the first page. Also, for those who are having trouble with the battle system, look in your inventory and read the information in the battle tactics book.
I downloaded and began to play this yesterday. I too am surprised that a member with such a good record for producing playable content has had little activity with this. Perhaps as a saw Reives prove, people don't recognise you as The J-Street with your newer alias!

As for the actual game. Let me point a few things out before hand. This is the genre of rpg that really doesn't do it for me, or the genre it seemed. Xenosaga, apocalyptic, futuristic etc. However, In wanted to try it based on its creators track record.

I enjoyed the vibe of the town far more than I thought I would based on the screen shots, though those hovering lights seem an unnecessary cluttery addition to me. The small but annoying issue however was this. I took the side quest to get the guys money back, but hadn't been prompted to save yet. I died fighting them (as I didn't know what I was doing yet) and didn't want to sit back the fairly intense intro again. I will do later though, i just couldn't straight after. I suggest making it a little clearer that if you fight those thugs and lose you will get a gameover.

As for the intro, it was a little too detailed with many references I had no idea what they meant, therefore I just gazed over most of it and stopped trying to take it in, perhaps make it a little more beginner friendly?

The voices worked on the whole, except on the parts you recorded for your main guy, I could hear the feedback from the mic which shatters the illusion a bit. The Dox recordings were pretty crisp.

As I say I'll play this again soon and advise others to try it out, it's better than a lot of the other stuff out there! Give it a go!
A lot of the references come from the backstory and the timeline. The time line was omitted to preserve space, but I could put it back up. It's also accessible by going to the lo-fi version of the thread.

Chapter one is a little story heavy, because the stage needs to be set. The last two chapters will be more game play. There will be more room for exploration and such.

I've thought about making it less thick, but I can't take away anything without it hurting the story. I think that it describes the goals, and current situation of each side. Still after the end of this chapter is when the game gets more fun.

I don't know about the VA. It might just be that Neo is a better voice actor than me. XD

As for the side quest, well I can't say much there. It happens with all games, you don't quite understand the battle system until you've played it for a little bit, but once you get the hang of it devising strategies will be easier. NOTE: There is a battle tactics book in your inventory, read it before doing anything if you fear you won't be able to survive.

Thanks for the good critique.
Panda;249512 said:
A lot of the references come from the backstory and the timeline. The time line was omitted to preserve space, but I could put it back up. It's also accessible by going to the lo-fi version of the thread.

I understand this, but I assume you would be making the game for someone who hasn't ever read the timeline or backstory outside the game. Most people won't do research on a games story before playing it! :thumb:

Panda;249512 said:
Chapter one is a little story heavy, because the stage needs to be set. The last two chapters will be more game play. There will be more room for exploration and such.

I've thought about making it less thick, but I can't take away anything without it hurting the story. I think that it describes the goals, and current situation of each side. Still after the end of this chapter is when the game gets more fun.

I think I suffered from a similar problem in Cell Chamber, but after some criticism from some, including the likes of Despain, I soon realised I perhaps did need a change. The problem being, by including such a detailed intro, you are countering your own objectives.

Where you want people to establish a solid back story with lots of details, instead people see it and their eyes glaze over and they soon become bored because at that point they aren't engaged with the story and couldn't care less about the plot or the characters. By taking away specifics as much as possible, i.e. Solomon, an old Trebuchian Monk I was once close to, becomes an old guy I once knew - That way, lots of information becomes more digestible without any prior information or understanding. I hope you understand what I mean, your intro isn't bad at all, the spoken dialogue is very good, it's just I think this could help ease the player into your world.

Panda;249512 said:
I don't know about the VA. It might just be that Neo is a better voice actor than me. XD

I don't think it was that, it's just the recording was noticeable rather than seamless! Perhaps your voice doesn't quite suit the character, I'm not sure.

Panda;249512 said:
As for the side quest, well I can't say much there. It happens with all games, you don't quite understand the battle system until you've played it for a little bit, but once you get the hang of it devising strategies will be easier. NOTE: There is a battle tactics book in your inventory, read it before doing anything if you fear you won't be able to survive.

Warranted, but this was the first battle I fought, and I am assuming it turned out to be harder than a generic field battle. For all I knew the first fight I encountered may well have been a tutorial but instead it was harder to win than a normal field fight. It's simply fixed by adding once more show choice before the fight saying something like... "I really don't know if I'm ready for this yet... That way I know there is likely to be a consequence to losing!

Oh one more thing I forgot to add last time, perhaps more of a preference, but don't let your Cosfogs leak outside of the wall autotile into the black area, it ruins the illusio nthe lights actually in the room IMO, but just a personal preference I guess.

Good Luck with continuing it!
Actually it's different in so many areas, there's no consistency in the cosmetic fogs, because I kept changing the style, again, I'll probably be redesigning the game.

In fact I'll be taking in this critique to make the next version more interesting.
This topic has been re-opened for discussion and is back in development (although it will be significantly slow until I get a demo for AoV II). Links are active as far as I know of. If you should encounter any problems please inform me.

If you need in-game help, first, consult the strategy guide (linked in the Misc. Game Info spoiler). If that doesn't help, post here and I will be more than happy to assist you directly.

There probably will not be a complete change over in terms of game play seeing how I haven't receive much negative feedback on the current way it plays out. Again, re-welcome AL back and happy gaming. ^.^
Oh glad this one is back in development, it is one of the games I am waiting most for RMXP since it is both futuristic and has both quality and originality, will still keep my eyes on this topic =^.^=

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