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Nice work on the first demo Atlas, can't wait for the second if you can get it done soon that would be cool, even if some cruel person has stolen you away from even your own project. Not naming names...lol!

Anyway, as i said its coming along nicely and as you already know your drawings are neat. That's what i don't like about maps, doing the passability takes effort lol

Oh and BTW ~Bump!~ :P
Congrats on the moving as for the thread not getting any hits just wait a bit. Im sure once the release of your next demo comes out people will flock over, just keep going about the game as you are at the moment. Even if you are distracted from it >> << >>
You could always take some time off from designing so you could get your next demo out, i want to play it already. Like actually play not watch :P. Also, i hope your keeping up with those animations they were funny.
Your artwork is nice, but there's something I'm curious about..why does the story revolve around toddlers aged 4-6? Why does a 5-year-old wield an axe? It just seems a little extravagant to have such a storyline with toddlers as the characters.
Okay, nice question, im willing to answer as much as i can but the demo will answer much of everything...

Dont underestimate...

First, yea, a law in manga will tell that it is exaggerated that thin, small and weak looking people may become very powerful...

*spoiler, Anthony wields an axe.. That is when they reached and got past the SINGULARITY..

Nice, i got you convinced! YOu think that the story ONLY revolves around the 4 children.. Well, have you seen my sig? It involves the whole universe, and much more about it.. "Interversal" means a lot in the story...

Yes, they are only children but as time goes by, their personalities mature, as they meet friends, meet monsters, meet an angry chef, meet their crushes, meet elves, etc... Basically, they are maturing when they are exposed to different environment.. Pretty much the demo 2 will start the explanation...

Broadly, I mentioned PROTECTORS.. This will mean a lot too... Their gang MAGNAUTS will also have a significant effect to the story while they WHERE STILL ON EARTH... :D

Anyways, i'll update the story later on for the actual intro(main back story), the first intro is the back story of the EARTH...
Downloading your demo now. Be happy- the Despain very rarely actually downloads, let alone plays them- and expect some harsh but good feedback coming your way soon.
OKAY! Played it.

I was going to write a review on it- but to tell the truth there really wasn't much to show at all. Normally when I play a game or demo, I take notes along the way to turn into a review when I finish it. But instead I'll just share the notes I took as they are.

nice intro- loved the logos and the scrolling dock thing - timed with the music was incrdible

unfortunately, there's no way to skip through it if/when I load the game a second time

naked hero? oh, well- atlaswing's twisted sense of humor and laugh animation in the game are worth it

random gameovers always make me laugh

i like the whole scene with atlaswing, if a bt too drawn out. reminds me of the mask salesman

love the music- the goron city remix kicks ass, just recognizable enough without being crazy​

After that I stopped taking notes, because- well, there wasn't much there.

Let me say that I really enjoyed the style and tone of it all, but to tell the truth the entire demo seemed pointless. Talking about how the trees grow farther away from water- and giving the player time to walk around a random map and tlk to NPCs that don't say anything worthwhile...it just all seems pointless.

If you can incorporate your great STYLE into your full game then it could be great. But as it stands, I am left wondering why I bothered.
Doesnt everyone just love despain's views on things, he compliments and puts you down at the same time, simply great :P

Just re-played the demo for my own personal little laughs lol and i just noticed that Atlaswing explains why the hero is naked, never noticed that before. Was going to like, ask whats up but now i dont have to.

Keep up the work Atlas :D

P.S. Bump!
Yeah, getting "THE DESPAIN" a little attention and time for playing a demo is rare! ^_^..

Well, THANK YOU all those notes and comments!...

nice intro- loved the logos and the scrolling dock thing - timed with the music was incrdible

yes, thanks!

unfortunately, there's no way to skip through it if/when I load the game a second time

i am modifying those maps and add a button input process to skip to the actual title screen.. ^-^

naked hero? oh, well- atlaswing's twisted sense of humor and laugh animation in the game are worth it

thanks for that! I am happy all of the testers NOTICED that lol!
Well, i forgot to say, that hero is the main hero and he was still a WIP back then.. But now, i've finished the running chara of him in all directions. Yes, my DASH method includes the change in chara... well, that will be a conditional branch...

random gameovers always make me laugh

what do you mean random? I put gameovers in the questions when you answer NO... Is that what you meant?

i like the whole scene with atlaswing, if a bt too drawn out. reminds me of the mask salesman

lol! Yeah, you will see him all throughout the game... I was thinking of making
him an ITEM in your inventory...

love the music- the goron city remix kicks ass, just recognizable enough without being crazy

yeah, too bad i cannot use that in releasing the completed game WITHOUT creditting or acquiring permission... Its a demo anyway...

but to tell the truth the entire demo seemed pointless. Talking about how the trees grow farther away from water- and giving the player time to walk around a random map and tlk to NPCs that don't say anything worthwhile...it just all seems pointless.

I was ready to take those comments when i released demo 1.. Well, as i said in the INTRO before the INTRO, the demo 1 is still more SHOW than PLAY... I only showed how i evented and stuff.. Because it was still version 1, i couldn't think of nice ways to introduce it... Well, i just splashed in some talking and stuff... 0.o.. But, do not wonder why you bothered, you will wonder why you wondered why you bothered after playing the next series of demos! (that is not a promise but that's what i think)...

Coz demo two will contain the actual story and gameplay, of course... And a whole new interactive world(i guess)... Coz in every map, i threw in minigames and stuff... ^_^ You'll also see my TWISTED sense of humor in those minigames and quests...;)

This post will also be an update:

*Game_demoversion2.new = 32%
a. minigames
b. animated character sets
c. quests
d. twisted story

And as i said in my last post, i posted the stuff which are not a summary or the plot...^_^

THANK YOU ALL!!! :lol:

(hey! Saikoden beat me into posting next! :D)
Doesnt everyone just love despain's views on things, he compliments and puts you down at the same time, simply great

It comes from being blatantly honest with everything and not sugarcoating the bad things. :)

what do you mean random? I put gameovers in the questions when you answer NO... Is that what you meant?

Yes. I always make the obviously-wrong choice in games the first time around to see what happens- usually it's a "communist choice" that continually loops until you pick the one the creator wants you to pick. I had a good laugh out of the game over.

Also Atlaswing as an item would kick ass.

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