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IRC Mods

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Skyla, I have nothing against you, but I've seen you quite pissed on IRC for at least 1 time by now.
Heehee, I remember that argument with Inq about Final Fantasy VII being remade....phew.

Anyway, I find all the nominating people a bit...juvenile, like a popularity contest, since it will be up to the admins and mods. But I'd just like to mention that I think people like Myonosken and Igno, who I've seen very regularly in the channel, would be decent candidates.

From the list of mods that Tel stated made me a bit worried. A bunch of them I haven't even really seen on the irc. And granted that I might not be on as much as some people, I do consider myself pleasantly active there. It should be taken into account that those who are good ad modding forums aren't necessarily good for modding irc. There's a difference- one being that irc is instant and people don't wait to be kicked.

An example is Lene (sorry, I DO like you). She's often there but not there. Although merely the presence of the @ tends to make people behave better, I think that one of the problems is that existing ops don't make their presence known or felt enough.

Then again, like I said, I haven't been around long, so it might just be me.
I think we indeed need some kind of reserve-op who can keep an eye out when both europe and america are asleep or gone. In the morning, I try to come online as soon as possible, though every time I log on, I'm the only op around. It's indeed a good idea for Erk to stay online in the evening, as he does live in Japan. *wink wink*



The OPS that do the best job are probably psgels and Lene, when they are on.
All I have to say is, if your going to bring in more OP's, then make them mature ones. We dont need little 10 year old power abusers in the IRC. Check thier reputation at the forums here, its worth a look. ^^' Good luck to anyone that might become an OP.
Cresten, I think that's pretty much common sense. The admins know how to handle things- they've been doing a fine job thus far.



I wasn't saying they weren't smart. Just offering my thoughts on the matter. And yes, sometimes mods can be immature as I have seen. :P



Well, most times, say 7-2pm GMT, so mostly the Morning in Europe, there aren't any Ops on apart from maybe psgels. But thats not just on the IRC, also the forums.

Er, I've never even been on the IRC channel...I think I will sometime soon.
And yea, mods'll know if they ever need any new peeps...
I am on when you are most of the time psgels. I wake up so fricking early. like 6am est. I am not an op but I am still on and awake when you are.
TREG said:
A general rule of thumb remains that no one who actively asks to be staff is ever going to be staff, barring some change in attitude. Likewise, anyone who is blatantly obvious about seeking a staff position will probably never get to be staff either.

...yeah, thanks for just like, totally crushing me, TREG. See if I ever curl up on your head again.




that is a rule on like every community ever - anyone who asks to be staff/mod/op/higher in power than others is generally an idiot and does not desrve/will not receive such authority

that you did not know that frankly surprises me



I don't see any just cause for the promotion of IRC channel ops at this moment in time. There always seems to be two or three active ops present in my experience that can deal with (the admittedly) rare cases of troublemakers.
Adding further ops could cause the present excellent balance of the channel to shift.
ummmmm I suck up to the mods with a vaccum clean er. gotta catch them all! mod-e-mon!

TREG should be slected to be a mod though. I know he is not one, but I think he would be a great mod.
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