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How to use RMXP on a school computer???

Does any on know how can i use rmxp on school computer (not the game the actual program) because i have tryed doing this in lots of ways one of them is using my memory stick

:mad: (oh yh i can't install rpg maker on the school computers just to let you know) :mad:

what do i need to do (if there is a way) to allow rmxp to be used on a school computer without installing it PLEASE HELP ME ,  :'(
Windows XP also has "Remote Desktop Connection" built in (If your school admin hasn't uninstalled it.)
You have to enable Remote Connections on your home computer to use it.

If you don't have "Remote Desktop Connection" on your school computer, you can also use "Remote Desktop
Web Connection."  You install Web Connection on your home PC, then use a browser at school to login to
your desktop at home.

Possible problems:
1) as mentioned, make sure you don't violate your schools Acceptable Use policies.
2) Your ISP may not allow you to run a Web server on your home PC (Web Connection is a Web server)
3) Your Internet connection is most likely set to "Obtain an IP address automatically", which means you are connecting to a DHCP server to get an IP address. Most DHCP servers operate on a 'lease' basis to keep unused addresses from being tied up. This means that your IP address could change over the course of the day, depending on how much time is on your lease. You can renew the lease by stopping & starting your connection.

Info on both is available in Windows Help (Start -> Help & Support -> "Remote Desktop")

Be Well

[ edit ] It looks like LogMeIn automatically reconnects after a DHCP lease expires. That looks like the 'simpler' solution.
I have the excat same problem at my school. I get done is web page design within the first hour of class then have nothing to do the rest of the time. In my searching, I have found three ways to work on RPG XP at school. I will list them in order of the ones that I would recommend doing.
(I don't in any way recommend braking any of the schools rules regarding computer usage.)

1. I would very highly recommend using a program like logmein. It works very well, unless you try to play a game like Age of Empires 3 on the school comps. Then it doens't matter because the schools video cards still suck. To use this program, download it on your home comp, then follow the steps it give you. If I remember right, it is not that hard to set up. Then when you want to use it at school, just go to logmein.com and login to the site.

2. This one is a bit risky of getting into a lot of trouble at school (and I'm not sure if it works on any other server but Novel Client). What you can do though, is to log into the school server normaly, and run a search. You want to search for, management or admin or accounts or something to do with how you log into the server. When you find it, click on accounts, or users, I don't quite remember, but find the admin account. When you find it, right click, and click "set password". Then you set whatever password that you want. You don't need the current password. This option just manualy overides it. Then, you need to log off ASAP, and log back in a admin before the password is changed back by techsupport (they find out faster than you think). Then you can install the RTP into the server, allowing you to use it on any of the comps on that server.

3. This one is almost garenteed to get you into trouble (once again, I'm not sure if it works on any other server but Novel Client). Follow the steps from #2, untill you get the accounts. Instead of changing the admin password. You need to select "groups" or whatever your server calls it. Then you need to select the admin account and select "add to" or something like that. Select your username (or type it in), then select ok. Log out and then log back in (you may need to reboot) then you will be an admin. Like I said before, you are going to want to act fast, because tech support is watching for this kind of stuff. Once you install the RTP, change yourself back to whatevr your account was originally, to decrease your chances of getting cought.

Like I said earlier, I wouldn't recommend either 2 or 3. 1 is your best option. 2 or 3 might work (depending on your school server type) I've found these to work for me (although I haven't tried it yet because I don't want to lose my comp privilages). But if you are really desperate, go ahead. (Or, you could always ask that they install the RTP onto the server for you.)

RPG VX has the RTP built into it so you can use it on the school comps. (or so I've heard) You might want to try the demo of that and find out.

Hope this helps!
Hey there... i recently got kicked off all computers at school for "hacking" getting access to other peoples files, hacking vision, and a attack on the main server to kill websense... they think their computers are so secure so, just in spite to prove them wrong here you go...
You may get in trouble for this BTW


First off when you install it on YOUR computer the little bits of info it needs are stored in the registry under ENTERBRAIN

First and foremost before doing ANYTHING write your Serial/Activation number down and remember to take it with you to school!

Open up regedit by selecting "Run" from the start menu and typing in "regedit"


Now in the REGISTRY EDITOR that you just opened, go to My Computer, then HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SOFTWARE, then Enterbrain


Right-click and select "export" AND SAVE IT TO YOUR FLASH DRIVE!!!


Now copy your MAIN Enterbrain folder from "C:\Program files\" DIRECTLY TO YOUR FLASHDRIVE

Now for the RTP!

Go to this location "C:\Program Files\Common Files\"

Find Enterbrain

Rename it Enterbrain2

Once again copy the whole Enterbrain2 folder DIRECTLY TO YOUR FLASHDRIVE

Once copied make sure you Rename it back to Enterbrain on your computer not on your flash

Finally go here http://www.mediafire.com/?8jfcsciebyu and download this Visual Basic Script file save this to your flashdrive as well...

Make sure you have your serial!!


Good now at SCHOOL get on the computer

Because they block most installs by blocking the Registry Editor you will more than likely have to enable it with that little Visual Basic Script we found earlier!

Open the file from your flashdrive "enableregedit.vbs"

The conformation "Registry Editing Enabled" should appear


If it says "Registry Editing disabled" run it again till it says "Registry Editing Enabled"

Now run The .reg file that you exported from the registry before

It should confirm the addition, select YES then select OK

Now copy the Enterbrain Rpgmaker main folder from your flashdrive directly to "C:\Program Files"

Copy the Enterbrain2 file from your flash drive to "C:\Program Files\Common Files"

Rename it Enterbrain2

Now go back to "C:\Program Files\Enterbrain\RPGMaker XP" and run it!

You may have to reactivate so hopefully you prepared!

A second but not tested method would be to JUST USE THE REGISTRY ENABLING SCRIPT then attempt an install if the first method doesnt work or you mess up somewhere

Good luck, if you have any questions just post
When I was at school (Many years ago) teachers were eager to support such creative exploits, have you spoken to any of your tutors about have the programme installed. Your school would need to buy a seperate licence, but they may see it as an investment. I remember my school helping one of it's pupils to publish their own game.
um Asmodeanmage i am pretty sure i can't copy files to the c:\ because access is denied do you know anyway of enabling it useing vbscript like the one for redgedit ???

and i haven't asked becuase they have blocked this site

does anyone know how to get throught this site if it is blocked ????
I know a way to use your account as an admin acocunt, but, I think it's gonna be a bit risky,
You need to sneak into an Admin account only once..(wait for a teacher to get a cup of coffee or something)
open CMD
Type this in:
net localgroup Administrators [yourusername] /add
And your user will have all administrator privelages.

Install RPG Maker XP
i will try the logmein thingy first then i will try the redgedit thing  then i will try
net localgroup Administrators [yourusername] /add then i will ASK......if i have to

oh and how do i view this site at school because it is filtered and im no good with proxy or  what ever

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