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Deo Capax

*nods* Yeah...it just seems like it'll be harder to find someone willing to help me out with the artwork and backgrounds then...but I may still use character templates and such, but I really want a polished and nice looking game, much like something along the line of The White Chamber
Just a heads up: This project is not dead, merely slightly delayed. I've had some RL issues pop up (Ah the joys of being a new dad) and lost the main spriter for the project, so I'm still tossing around a few ideas of how I want to best deliver this game (as an RPG or as an Adventure game).

So stay tuned! This is def. not gonna end up vaporware :P
Remember I'm always available for some part-time spriting if you wish Sketch^^. Since my project has pretty much gone downhill so that has free up some time.
WTCIDP [Writers That Create Increasingly Difficult Projects] Unite!!!

But seriously, you've got a nice thing going on with the story and enemies, although, you did set some serious goals for yourself. I'm liking the maturity of this project as it adds some variety to the mix, so here is my advice on the gameplay: To make the game work well with an isometric view you'd definitely need some heavy graphic and scripting (to make it flow better) support, which is something that I can see you're lacking at the moment. Meanwhile, I'm not a real fan of the side-view style because that would heavily limit the movement and the action segments, possibly taking back from the project's immersion (which goes hand-in-hand with atmosphere). In the end, the choice is up to you, and I hope you make the right choice because I would really like to see this project succeed.



Never fear, Smee is here. Unfortuantly I'm getting a new Laptop Friday, maybe, so I can't get a hold of the HD since they're transferring stuff onto the new one yadda yadda yadda.

Anyways, I wouldn't mind telling you its gonna be awesome once I get a hold of a map from Myno, since then I can pretty much get on with action 'X'.
(Sorry, typed in actions with an X, so now it'll stay.)

But never fear, unless you've moved on from me :'( Please don't leave me :'( I'm still interested in this :P

Awesome...I figured you'd be gone for weeks, so I kinda wrote you off as a spriter for the project (Nothing against you of course, as I know what it's like to want to take time away from things)

I'd love to still have you on this man. And Beserk, if you're willing to help out in any way (however small) that'd be awesome too =D

The more I think about it, the more I'm leaning towards more of an RPG/action game with a pseudo isometric look.

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