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Window_PlayTime (Enhancement)

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This is what I edited in the Window_PlayTime script...

I replaced the original lines (where def refresh is defined) with these...


Any questions? I guess there is none. It is just a small modification.
Hmm, good edit.

But i guess it's still but of no use if you're game isnt going to reach months to finish. I mean, most games only take 20hours or so of playtime. The only useful thing is the total hours you played the game.
Or the actual time,day,month,season or year IN THE GAME, not in the computer's time... Just my opinion. XD
If you don't have any good comments, please don't say anything. I know why I posted this "enhancement".

You can close this thread now.



Well, shadow, this seems to be a very useful script. My game will certainly take over 20 hours to finish, so I might use it.
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