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Two things

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There are two things I would like to see that aren't displaying right now.

One is post count; I can't even find post count within user profiles, and although this is probably due to an administrative decision, I would like to know the exact reasoning behind it, expecially since one can find out post count by a couple of other (mathematical) methods.

The second is, post numbers on posts. Usually on vBulletin there is a post number in the upper-right corner of each post (within the top table row) and it is linked to a page that displays nothing but that post. I will find a screenshot if this is not understand.
Post count was disabled because post count tends to give people the idea of "I'm better than you because I have more posts than you." Yes, it could easily be figured out but no one really does that... and out of sight out of mind; if people can't see it they won't even think about it.

The latter I'm not sure why it's not displayed.
Post counts are useless, and encourage spamming simply to up them. If you need to know how many posts you've made, you can go into your profile and look at the "find posts made by this member". The top corner will say something like "displaying __ of __ posts".

The second one has already been brought up to Ccoa, in #rmxp. She said that she would look into it when she had time. Most likely it was accidentally removed while doing something else.

Good luck.



And they're back. I just didn't have the energy to fix it last night.
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