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Strawberry [17/60 hours]

I'll try for 60 due to lack of motivation, but if all goes well, I might bump it up. ^^

I will be working on my solo game, Raspberry Sanctuary - as well as Ghost Shards. Glad this came up, because, after a hiatus on both, I recently was debating on starting up my solo game. Plus, two nights ago Star told me he missed Ghost Shards. XD

Well, enough rambling...

Let's try this. :)
Mapping is feeling like it's taking over.

Stupid forest.

Ah wells. So far, spent 1 hour and 15 minutes mapping the last section of the Shadow Wildwood before Raspberry must enter the cave, then finally face the last boss (which I still don't know how she's going to defend herself if she doesn't fight). XD

This section is still not done, but I am taking a break for now...
Did some more mapping. :)

The good news, my game is playable from beginning to the "end".

The bad news?

I hardly have much in the way of puzzles, traps and monsters. ;_;

Also, I have a feeling I won't be needing 60 hours to finish this - but if I work on Ghost Shards I might be able to make to 60.

So much I want to do this month.
Spent about 3 hours this afternoon fleshing out a character, naming his abilities, and spriting him.

Still not done with the spriting bit - especially since I realized I need to make him in armor for his battle sprites. XD

But still, work is work! :D
Did some more spriting for Ghost Shards - Guarding sprites for the battle system.

Aelina took me like 3 hours to do and figure out, and Narie took me like 30 minutes. XD So this adds 3 hr and 30 min to my time. ^^
I shall add 2 hours and 30 minutes of spriting.

That's all I've been doing lately.

(This is all for Ghost Shards, by the way).

Sprite for our new male character and his battle outfits/poses (he'll appear in the demo in one way or another).
Let's add about 4 more hours during the span of the last several days of spriting and planning.

I could show all my sprites, but there's quite a bit of them. D=

I still have more sprites to make! Huzzah! :D

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