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rpgmaker xp ---> MMO



I'm sorry if this is posted here before but I did not find seartch button (maybe I'm going blind :P )

but in the point. I have seen projects that are MMO and I have heard people speaking of MMO's whits are done whit RPG XP but I just can find out how it works.

And I am kind a noob at this yet I know some very basic basic's like doing world, chars and enemys (and customising em) and I know how to insert script.

P.S Sorry my bad english ':|



Yeah I read it only onec.

Now I read it secound time but I still understand only that you have game that works fine and offers very mutch nice features, but I still do not know how I could create my own MMO maybe I'm just to dummy to see it



Dude the search botton is located on this very page.....

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First go here and learn the prinicples of a MMO

and then go here to learn to map better(FYI, I don't know if you are a good mapper, I never saw a map you made).


After you do all that start working on your game's story. If you read the first link then you will know how to give a story to MMOs.

Now start on your classes/jobs. And start on the database. Get all the boring stuff out of the way.

After that start making your worlds. Make sure the maps look good. MMO style maps are usually has more space then a normal RPG.

Netplay Plus will come out soon enough and you can just copy and paste the scripts. Your game will be online then.

All you have to do after that is read the tutorial that comes with it.

Then you are on your way to making a great MMO.

It also comes with a server you can use. Itse very easy to use.

I hope this answers all your questions.



Now I start to get it, basicly I'll wait that you guys make your game and copy the 'game engine' and connecting stuff. Then I put my story and graphics on it and see what will happen
yes. BTW its not a game. Its a Demo. It shows How to make your game online. It comes with extras like chats, PvP, admin controls, and so on. Its all there, read the post again.
The down and dirty of it Igno, you'll have to wait for someone more talented and with more determination to do the hard work for you. Otherwise, you could simply go code it yourself.

I guess its a matter of how important it is to you.



Prexus said:
The down and dirty of it Igno, you'll have to wait for someone more talented and with more determination to do the hard work for you. Otherwise, you could simply go code it yourself.

I guess its a matter of how important it is to you.

It is that I just do not know what should I do or where should I begine. I don't know anything about scripts on RPG XP
Well quite honestly, if you don't know anything about scripts in RMXP, an MMO is not right for you. RMXP is not a great engine to make an MMO in, so combine that with the fact that you have little scripting knowledge and... it won't end up pretty.

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