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RMXP 3D ZOMBIE SHOOTER (inspired by resident evil 4)

This game is a work in progress


Escape The Dead

Each chapter Experience the zombie apocalypse through the eyes of different characters in different environments. Your goal is to simply escape the location you are in, alive.

Genre: stealth/horror/shooter/Rpg


-dynamic over the shoulder camera perspective(centered behind players back when walking)

-shooting system
(with dynamic laser sight, adjustable height aiming, headshots, limited regional damage, gun jamming, one in chamber reloading.)

-stealth system
(enemy hearing and vision. Enemies become suspicous and will search.footsteps can be heard when running and walking close. Gunshots attract off map mobs and alerts nearby enemies. Improvised gun supressors can be made)

-Randomized positive and negative events and randomized map design routes.

-detailed console system
(know everything thats going on including hero states)

-level up system
( rewarded exp for playing well. Unlock and choose new abilities as well as upgrade your stanima and health)

-day and night system
Real time progression

-Stamina system
(depleats from running and melee. Enemies can knock you down easier)

-Hiding system
(duck and hide in tall grass, car trunks, behind low cover)

-mob spawning
(hidden horde spawner depending on player actions)

-scavenging system
(food, health items, comfort items)

-doors and windows that can be left opened,closed, and entered in real time. (Randomized chances to squeek and attract enemies)

-enemies can break into windows and doors

-enemies can see you through windows

Sarah Walsh
A young hunter living in the Lexington Forest Town. Was out hunting when the outbreak started.
Age: mid 20s
Weapon of choise: Crossbow and 45 handgun
Special ability: camoflauge (harder for enemies to spot you)

Other chapter characters coming soon.
All screenshots are from an early build graphically. Textures are place holders and maps are test. However the coding is close to completion.




More screenshots, info, and a video will be posted as its updated.
This looks pretty neat. How did you get the 3D objects in there? When I used Mode 7, they only supported standing sprites, rather than objects with all 3 dimensions.
Will the camera be controlled freely with the mouse?

Cool stuff.
It used a customized H_mode7 3d engine so you can see all sides.
RigHt now the camera rotates when you face a different direction while standing still. It uses tank walking controls. And when you aim you can strafe side to side While up and down is fine tune your laser sight higher or lower.

I was thinking of making a free cam control schemeif i can get my joypad working. But its easier on keyboard to have it a locked cam.

Thank you for viewing

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