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Removing Windowskin on Title

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Yo, what's good? I've got 2 questions that I've been wondering for a while.

1) How do you remove the windowskin that displays in the title screen? I want it to just display the words.

2) How do you change the words that are displayed in the title screen? Ex: Changing 'Shutdown' to 'leave.'

Thanks for the help! ;)

I know it's something to do with Scene title and the opacity command, but I'm not sure exactly where it is.



hOw to change the words is easy if you are using standard rgss. First go into Sceene_Title. Next brouse the script for the startup title words and make sure they are purple. erase what you want in the purple unless its a quotaion mark (This thingy " ya.). You should see your new words in the title screen. if you get an error reset the rgss ASAP. getting rid of the windowskin im puzzled with.
I've changed the text in that and it doesn't update into the title. I've changed the back opacity to 0, but it still shows. I think it's because a script I have edits scene title and therefore I can't change it. But I doubt it.
Insert this into Scene_Title after all the command_window initialize lines.
@command_window.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin("empty")
Replace "empty" with the name of the blank windowskin (though, make sure you still have a select cursor on the windowskin)

And as far as Scene_Title being edited... are you using SDK at all? I believe that edits Scene_Title. In that case, you'd need to make the change in the Scene_Title section in the SDK.
I think that is infinitely easier with one simple RGSS line than using a blank windowskin, then changing it to the normal windowskin...

But Grandor will decide.

regards from paranoyas
Well, I have a way that doesn't involve scripting. I know this is a scripting forum but this isn't in the other one. I am also not sure which version or whatever I am using.':| But anyways, here it goes: In the database, go to the system tab and change the window skin graphic to none. Then on the first event in the game, first thing, use an event command on the first page called change window skin. You can then revert it back to the window skin. If you have your own custom window skin that is used in the scripting, this would not work. You would have to import the graphic into the Graphics/Windowskins first.
Hope this helps!

Edit: Just noticed that by using this way, it also removes the "cursor" if you will. Sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention to the cursor.
So, if it removes the cursor how am I going to select options.

@Christopher: I already tried that in both versions, the SDK and Scene Title

@Racheal: No clue. I'll try removing some scripts that affect Scene_Title, but it would be better if I knew the exact one that was causing the problem.
Well, I have to many to name here. It's not a really major concern of mines but it sure is annoying. Perhaps someone could write me up a script that could overwrite Scene_title once more to get the desired effect?
Look for the nearest Scene_Title script to the Main one.
Scripts are run from above to the bottom. So the Scene_Title you have to modify is the nearest to the Main script (the "Last" one)

Open the Script Editor (F11), push ctrl+alt+F, type class Scene_Title on the text box and search.
You must modify the last entry.

regards from paranoyas
class Window_Base
  alias raz_opacity_base_ini initialize
  def initialize(x, y, width, height)
    raz_opacity_base_ini(x, y, width, height)
    self.opacity = 0 if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Title)

Put this code in a new script window above main and it should work. :)
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