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Random Dungeon Generator, Dynamically Generates In-game!!

Sorry if I'm not posting according to the scripts template. If it's against the rules please move this thread to another scripting forum.
This is because 1. it is not my script and 2. the script is not in english right now.

I found this really awesome Dungeon generator script that dynamically generates dungeons ingame and would like to share it with you guys. I've searched a lot of sites for this script and finally found it on a chinese site called 66RPG.

Feel free to discuss it.
And hopefully someone that knows good chinese can translate the instructions to english properly. Or if anyone would like to clarify the google translated instructions please be my guest!

I tested and some features of the script i found were awesome include:
- Randomly place events that can have coding and event triggers in them.
- Variations in the tileset such as cracks in the ground, random pillars, etc.
- Doors

Yeah looks like now you can make Persona dungeons ^^

Here's the instructions translated with google
# Random Map Generation Script v0.80 by tonbi
# Speaking of changes 66RPG bbschat (2006.1.2)
# Random Map auto-generated script.
# ● Use
# First, set the random map names
# Map names please follow the "XXXXX, random, YYY, ZZZ" named style.
# XXXXX map name, and casually from their favorite name.
# YYY random type of numbers, reference sample.
# ZZZ number of obstacles, reference sample.
# Next, reference sample on the map according to certain rules of painting on the map component
# Time to take note of painting layers. Reference to sample the map components drawn in the corresponding layer.
# Finally set the following events
# Relay point setting method:
# Event name "XXXXX, relay points," or events with the implementation of the contents of the first line of "◆ Note: relay point."
# Random maps according to the relay point of the event generates a random way and in accordance with the event ID in the order through several relay points
# (Of course, is certainly not a straight line through)
# Usually set in the relay point at both ends of the map case.
# Between the two relay points, please keep the appropriate space, less than 5 map component, then there would be no walls.
# However, even without a relay point, but also can generate random maps.
# Increase the relay point will reduce the number of walls, so do not too much, there are several relay points on it.
# Usually based on the triangle to set the orientation of three relay point.
# Relay point outside the event, if not specified will be randomly placed in the map on the road.
# Fixed event setting methods:
# Event name "XXXXX, fixed" or events with the implementation of the contents of the first line of "◆ Note: Fixed."
# The event will be placed in the location of the event from the nearest road.
# Completely fixed event setting methods:
# Event name "XXXXX, completely fixed," or events with the implementation of the contents of the first line of "◆ Note: completely fixed,"
# The event location will remain unchanged.
# Auto-execution and parallel processing of events or the edge of hope on the map to easily find events that you can use a completely fixed.
# Walls Event Set method:
# The implementation of the contents of the first acts of the event "◆ Note: Wall Settings"
# The event will randomly appear on the map on the wall.
# Doors, special events like torches. A note similar to the "wall set a" this, after Yaogen a number,
# Figure can be added in order to ensure similar [banner] such incidents. (A component of 0,3 a banner component of 1.)
# In this case, you can use some of the larger of the incident.
# Wall fixed event set methods:
# Event page first acts of "◆ Note: The wall is set fixed"
# This is both the fixed nature of the incident and the walls of the incident two events.
# That is placed in the location of the event from the recent events on the wall.
# If you use the "wall to set fixed, a" this form, you can also use a larger event.
# As well as using his own needs before you set the following parameters.

Original Chinese instructions:
# 随机地图生成脚本 v0.80 by tonbi
# 汉化修改 66RPG bbschat(2006.1.2)
# 随机地图自动生成脚本。
# ●使用方法
# 首先,设定随机地图名称
# 地图名称请按照「XXXXX,随机,YYY,ZZZ」的样式来命名。
# XXXXX 地图名,随便起自己喜欢的名字。
# YYY 随机类型编号,参考样例。
# ZZZ 障碍物数量,参考样例。
# 接下来,参考样例在地图上按照一定的规则画上地图元件
# 画的时候注意一下层。参考样例把地图元件画在对应的层上。
# 最后设定以下事件
# 中继点设定方法:
# 事件名称为「XXXXX,中继点」或事件执行内容的第一行加上「◆注释 : 中继点」。
# 随机地图将按照中继点事件产生随机道路,并按照事件ID顺序依次通过数个中继点
# (当然肯定不是直线通过)
# 一般请在地图的两端设定中继点事件。
# 两个中继点之间请保留适当空间,少于5个地图元件的话就没有墙壁了。
# 不过就算没有中继点,也能生成随机地图。
# 增加中继点会减少墙壁的数量,所以不要太多,有几个中继点就可以了。
# 通常按照三角形的方位来设置3个中继点。
# 中继点以外的事件如果没有特别指定将随机放置在地图的道路上。
# 固定事件设定方法:
# 事件名称为「XXXXX,固定」或事件执行内容的第一行加上「◆注释 : 固定」。
# 该事件将被放置在离该事件位置最近的道路上。
# 完全固定事件设定方法:
# 事件名称为「XXXXX,完全固定」或事件执行内容的第一行加上「◆注释 : 完全固定」
# 该事件位置将保持不变。
# 自动执行和并行处理的事件或者希望放在地图边缘方便查找的事件可以使用完全固定。
# 墙壁事件设定方法:
# 事件执行内容的第一行为「◆注释 : 壁设置」
# 该事件将随机出现在地图的墙壁上。
# 门,火把之类的事件专用。注释形式类似「壁设置,1」这样,后面要跟一个数字,
# 数字为了保证可以添加类似于[横幅]这样的事件。(横幅1元件为0,3个元件为1。)
# 这样的话就可以使用一些较大的事件了。
# 墙壁固定事件设定方法:
# 事件页第一行为「◆注释 : 壁设置固定」
# 这是同时具有上述固定事件和墙壁事件两个性质的事件。
# 也就是放置在离该事件位置最近的墙壁上的事件。
# 如果使用「壁设置固定,1」这种形式,也可以使用较大的事件。
# 还有使用之前请按照自己的需要设定下面的参数。

Demo here:
http://www.66rpg.com/dlFTP/200512/%E9%9 ... %9B%BE.rar
Mirror by me: http://mediafire.com/download.php?kmnyywznamu

Have fun.
Although hand-crafted dungeons probably work better altogether, I would like to see some screenshots of a 'randomly generated dungeon' or two just to see how well it really works out. Other than that, good find, I'll have to find some time to check this out.
I haven't got the time to try it out much but you can trust my word.

You'll have to see and experience it for yourself. i am a graphic designer and i know a map is shit in graphics, but this has awesome potential to make above average looking maps! Theres a ton of possibilities as long as you can figure out how to do it.

Just one con I think would be to place hidden stuff like chests. I dont know how you can go about hiding chests at one end of the dungeon, like in diablo. But it could be a way because in some of the randomly generated maps it made you go to the other end of the maze to get to the teleporter.

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