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Minigame: 3D (Color) Picross

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3D (Color) Picross
Version: 1.0


The objective of this game is to construct a colored picture from numbers each row and column gives you a clue to what the picture looks like. This script is actually a harder variation of the game that I created myself, there are five colors red, blue and yellow, there is also white (whiten) and black (dark) the picture is in color and the constructed with combination of colors, basically its 5 Picross Puzzles in one (one for each color)


Offical Demo with 7 Puzzles By Trickster
Puzzle By MeisMe

Copy the Folder Graphics/Pictures/Picross to your project in the same place

First you have to construct your picture using an image editor (doesn't matter which). The valid sizes for the pictures are 5x5, 10x10, 15x15, or 20x20. The script will try and match the closest color (don't hold your breath if it will get it perfectly), but the colors the script will match perfectly are in this image below


When you are finished (remember to set up transparency if needed, if you don't have an image editor with this feature then import it using RMXP's materialbase and then move the imported file to the correct folder) save it to your Graphics/Picross/Pictures folder.

In the script ColorPicross::Puzzles you can setup the Puzzles here in method setup_puzzle, depening upon the size of the picture you created 5x5 (small), 10x10 (medium), 15x15 (large), or 20x20 (huge) it goes in its corresponding case statement, say if I created a file named Small4 5x5 pixels then I would add it in the when 'small' block like so

      when 'small'
        # Branch According to Id
        case id
        when 1
          filename = 'Small1'
          name = 'Medic'
          final_pic = nil
        when 2
          filename = 'Small2'
          name = 'Fork'
          final_pic = nil
        when 3
          filename = 'Small3'
          name = 'Water'
          final_pic = nil
        when 4
          filename = 'Small4'
          name = "Whatever"
          final_pic = nil
the filename is the filename of the puzzle to load, name is the name of the puzzle, final_pic is either nil or another filename of the picture to show when the puzzle has been completed, and animation is an array where index 0 (first entry) is the number of frames of the animation and index 1 (second entry) is the animation's speed in frames).

To Call the Puzzle. Using a Call Script Type This

$scene = ColorPicross::Scene_Picross.new(id, type,time,[switch_id[,back]])

arguments inside brackets [] are not required
id is the id of the puzzle to load
type is the type of puzzle to load (small, medium, large, or huge)
time is the time to solve the puzzle in seconds
switch id is the switch id to turn on if the puzzle is solved
back is a BattleBack File name

Additional Instructions
Press the B Button to bring up a menu (where you can Switch Between Color Mode and Black and White Mode, In Color Mode the whole Picture is displayed, while in Black and White Mode Only the Current Color you are working on is displayed)

Press the A Button To X Mark a Tile (Only in Black and White Mode)

Press Page Up and Page Down To Switch Colors

How To Play (Original Version)
A good explanation of the rules can be found here
How To Play


First you look at all of the numbers. You see, those numbers tell you how many holes there are in a row/column. If you see more than one number there is gap of at least one space in between holes. You can usually start a puzzle by starting with the biggest number. If this number is equal to the number of rows/columns then you may Chisel the whole line Like I've done in this Example (see above) I have marked the highest number RED see below for my move


Now Goto the next highest number, if the number is less than the number of rows/columns and is bigger than half the number of rows/columns (In this case 3 is bigger than 2)
Then you may mark the center space like I've done here, or you can count that many spaces from the top or left and then from the bottom or right the space you go over both ways you may chisel in. See in the example the middle space on both sides can be chiseled in.


Next analyze the puzzle, Look at the example puzzle's solution numbers very carefully. You should have noticed that the column numbers are symetrical. This means that whatever you do to one column you can do the the same column on the other side of the puzzle. If you aren't familiar with the game/ get lost easily then you should build the habit of using x marks. In this script The X button is used for making X's. X marks are spaces you know are not part of the solution picture. See in my example I know that nothing else on row three is supposed to be chisel in since the requirements for that row have been met (Two holes spaced out at least 1 space) See As I Created X's for the rest of the spaces on that row


Again There Has to be a space in between chisel marks Look at columns 2,3,4 At the Bottom Row there can't be any chisel since you will break the column requirements


Oh look a whole row has revealed itself since There are only two spaces left and the Requirementa are Two holes spaced out at least 1 space, So I can go on ahead and Chisel those both in

After doing this Columns 1 and 5 have solved themselves you may x the rest of the spaces in those columns. If not already you should have an idea of what the solution of the puzzle is


Ok we're down to 6 more spaces 2 rows and 3 columns It's pretty easy if you know what the picture will look like but its pretty much guess work now, what I've done Is look at the row/column with the most requirments Row 2 with Two holes spaced out at least 1 space (Remember that one of the Requirments for each remaining column has been filled) And since there are only three spaces on that row you may chisel in the first and last space and place an x in between Like so


Finally the Requirements for the second and fourth column have been filled place x's on the remaining spaces on those columns. and that leaves one space left Chisel that in and you've solved the puzzle. And in case you don't know this puzzle is the Letter A. And Congrats you solved your first picross puzzle.



1) Learn to use X marks effectively
2) If a row/column has a number equal to the number of spaces then chisel in the whole row/column
3) Analyze the puzzle (check for symettry, big numbers, numbers bigger than half the size of a row)
4) If you get lost start x marking spaces you know aren't part of the solution
5) If the number is bigger than half the number of spaces then you can mark the center space
6) More advanced version of 5) ) If the number is bigger than half the number of spaces then you can count that many spaces from the top or left and then from the bottom or right the spaces you go over both ways you may chisel in
6) If the row/column is in a format like this (spaces-1)/2 (spaces-1)/2 then mark that many spaces skip one then mark that many spaces again
7) If the row/column is in a format like this low high where low+high+1 = the size of the row/column then mark low spaces skip one than mark high spaces also works for many numbers equaling the size
8) 7) also works in reverse order
9) This one is pretty tricky (Very Advanced My Technique)
If the row colum is in a format like this low high where low+high+1 < size of the row/column do not mark anything count down low spaces + 1 ignore the spaces you went over and use tip 6) May not always work though when using this trick myself I only encountered one puzzle that this gave me a mistake in

Tips and Tricks For This Version
1) Be sure you are familiar with the original Picross rules and tips and tricks I posted for them they still apply here

2) If a spot has white in it then its not going to have black also, the reverse applies also

3) Look for similiar numbers when switching colors, this may mean that that color goes there as well

4)Sometimes switching to Black and White Mode can be a good thing since you can use X Marks

5)Copying-- You can use Color Mode to Copy Colors

6)Inspiration-- Start the Puzzle in Black and White Mode and do any color, repeat with all colors, now switch to Color mode and the puzzle will come to you and fill itself out (not literally)

7) Start Fresh-- I added a few clearing options to the game, Clear Spot, Clear Color, and Clear Board. make good use of them.

Demo Solutions
Medic Its a Red Cross With white as a background, pretty easy since there is no color blending in this puzzle, just Red and White is used in this one
Fork, It looks like a Pitchfork or something, Pretty easy puzzle and it uses only red, white, and black. Getting the White is self explanatory since there is only one row of it and if you follow the rules it marks itself. Black is at the bottom and is pretty easy to get, and Red is also easy to get
A Water Droplet, The Outline of the droplet is in white and black so that so help rule out where they should go, there is also a stray white near the center of the image, the blue fills the outline and the center of the image
A Yellow Fish with a Blue Eye, actually if you played the other version of this minigame then there was also a puzzle with a fish for a solution, this is the same fish only colored for this version. The outline and parts of the inner part of the fish is black, the upper part of the fish is white. The acutal fish is 8 by 6 centered on the board
A Gray Bullet, this puzzle is just the modified version the the fish edited to be a bullet, this is the last easy puzzle. The outline is black with parts of the bottom being black as well. the upper part is white, and the inside is gray (red+yellow+blue)
Since there is only one puzzle I placed it here.
The solution is a blue potion. This potion is from the RTP edited with the colors from the color map. There are bits of white, and the shades of gray, and blue everywhere. This is the second screenshot were I was trying to solve this puzzle myself, still no luck though...
This puzzle is absolute evil, but if you must know it is the Sword from the RTP Graphics with a color edit to fit this script, if you can solve this then you are a master, but since you looked at this you can't be a master for cheating :P Too Late you can't unview this spoiler ;)
Well I tried it for myself, and it isn't that bad, the final picture is a rainbow, with lightning bolts in the background with clouds. Most of the Background is light blue for the sky, and if you know the order of the colors of the rainbow then this one's is cake *cough*ROY.G.BIV*cough*

Q: When I use white on a tile already colored black or vice versa they both disappear why?
A: I put this in intentionally White and Black are there to lighten or darken a color or when used by themselves are white and black, if you wanted gray then combine red, blue, and yellow to get it

Q: Why the name 3D Picross?
A: Well all of the data representation for the puzzle is a 3D Array whose dimensions are 5 * width * height (1 for each color), the actual field sprites that show what has been marked is a 2D-Array, what sprite is shown depends the colors marked (would've used Blending Colors/Tone, but the result was very poor, so I went and created the sprites myself), I've added color to the title to prevent confusion

Q: Can I send a puzzle to you?
A: Sure there is not a picross puzzle I can't solve, unless I haven't solved it yet :P, If you want I'll add it to this topic (and the solution if you want) so everyone can play it

Fully Compatible with everything, even the other version of the minigame

Credits and Thanks
Graphics are from Mario's Picross (SNES) which the Board/Field/Row/Column/Timer/Selector/Animation Graphics are from
(The Pencil Graphics are recolors of the pencil graphic found in the game)
Raziel for betatesting the original version.

Author's Notes
Note to self, rewrite script using tables instead of arrays
Script is a complete modification of the other Picross Minigame and is still heavily commented. Enjoy ^_^
You're insane, dude... too bad nothing you do fits a feudal Japanese game... think about something fitting :D (j/k, I don't want you to come up with Wakizashi-Tetris XD )
BlueScope said:
You're insane, dude... too bad nothing you do fits a feudal Japanese game... think about something fitting :D (j/k, I don't want you to come up with Wakizashi-Tetris XD )

lol, *starts scheming for a way that this game would fit*

Topic updated, incase you haven't noticed, added additional rules, tips and tricks, how to play, demo solutions, Meisme's puzzle added,
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