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Lurker77: Dungeon Champion [3/35 Hours]

This will be my progress thread for Dungeon Champion. If I need to make a project thread here on HB Games, just say so. My goal time is pretty low because I don't think I'll need the full 60 hours to finish this project.

It's still October 31st here so work won't begin officially until tomorrow. I'm not sure what information I'll post here as I don't want to spoil the entire game, it will probably be mostly mapping and play-testing stuff.
You don't need to make a project thread here, but feel free to if you want. The only thing you need to do is check in regularly and update us on your progress (be as vague as you like as long as you include hours) and yell at other people if they start falling behind. Anyway, welcome aboard!
Not much today; only half an hour. I got the rest of the music I needed and started finishing the bestiary descriptions. I'm always busy on weekdays.

Obviously not the final version, I still need to add a lot of detail (ground detail is always a total pain in the ass in VX). Man, mountains are much harder to due in VX than XP thanks to these stupid auto-tiles. I don't really like how this map is turning out so far. I might scrap the mountain entirely and come up with something else because this map is pretty ugly.

Time spent: 1/2 hour.
Worked today for half an hour. After fooling around in the editor some more, I think I can make it work. It's very frustrating though; I'm constantly having to battle with auto-tiles and adding even one piece of detail can screw with auto-tiles on the entire map.

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