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just lost access to here for about 10 minutes.

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First was an SQL error. As I was fixing that the site just plain went down. But I fixed the SQL error, and the site's (obviously) back up, so we should be good.
That's happened to me about 10 - 15 times today alone, and has happened quite a few other times too. I was considering making a post about this too.
I just thought it may be me cos the amount of times it had happened and noone ever made a thread about it.
The database error was the one causing problems all day, the database error is the one I fixed. It should be good for a while now.



Dark Zero said:
The database error was the one causing problems all day, the database error is the one I fixed. It should be good for a while now.

Wicked, Thanks DZ.

Seems alot of people were about to make the same thread :P
Yes. Yes it is.

If people didn't know what was going on, though, I could see why they'd post a topic about it. It's over now, though, and should stay away for a while.
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