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issue with skill_can_use?

ok so im working on this AI system, which is working great!!! all except it lets my healers use moves they dont know :( here is the code giving me issues:
[rgss]#@values is the power of a skill(all neg because i filtered out the healing skills beforehand)
#@skill is the skill ^^^^
#@choice starts at 0
    for i in 1...$data_skills.size
      if @values != nil #just to be safe, tho it shouldn't occur
        if @values < @choice && self.skill_can_use?(@skill.id)
          @choice = @values
          @skill_choice = @skill.id
my print give me:
1,true,1 <---right
2,true,1 <---wrong
everything is default (1 is heal, 2 is greater heal)
as you can see below enemy 1 does not know greater heal

any idea why @skill_choice keeps ending up as 2 when self.skill_can_use? should prevent it

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