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Idea for a sticky / sub-forum

Browsing through the resource analysis forum, I noticed that sometimes there are resources posted that don't credit the person that created them. A lot of the time, that's simply because someone forgets where they got the resource.

I think it might be beneficial to have a "lost and found" sticky (or sub-forum, depending on how large the thread gets) where people can post resources that they don't know the author of, and the author (or those knowing who the author is) can take ownership for their work. It would help a lot in crediting the proper people, especially when resources are stolen and reposted on other websites with a false copyright.

Thoughts? :)



Couldn't have said it better myself. Having a sub-forum like this would just lead to more people stealing a resource that is not properly credited.



Night said:
If people dunno the person who created the resource, they shouldn't be posting the resource at all.

I disagree. If they could find out who's resource it was then they could ask there permission and credit them if permission was granted. Not everyone has the ability to create Sprites or Music from scratch and if the Creator has no problem with it then it should be ok.

Although the idea is more of a convenience than a necessity :P
Dark Zero said:
Then they should keep track of the resource's author in the first place.

Except for cases when a website is questionable or when the author is "unknown". Like, for example, I've found a website (since closed) that claimed ownership for ccoa's sprites and probably would have trusted them had I not found this website.

I personally like giving credit where it's due and I have found it to be less of a hassle when I know who the actual creator is rather than being flamed about it because I trusted a website and miscredited it.

But since this suggestion is deemed as useless, feel free to lock this topic.
Well I mean... you can check the download manager and analysis forums. But then again, if you don't know the author of something, you can still post about it, I just don't think it warrants its own sticky or subforum.
Dark Zero said:
Well I mean... you can check the download manager and analysis forums. But then again, if you don't know the author of something, you can still post about it, I just don't think it warrants its own sticky or subforum.

Fair enough :)

I just thought it'd help with the organisation, but if you don't think it's necessary at this point (ie no dozens of threads popping up about it), that's fine :)
Well I thought this was a good idea.
Of course if shit sites like phanxgames werent constantly stealing things and removing their credit this wouldnt be needed, but places like that will always be around.
I think it's an excellent idea for a sticky. If you're worried about people not wanting their work to be reposted and used without their permission, you could do something that prevents them from being used before posting them, like shrinking them.
Minkoff's got a point. It might be a good idea to just have the 'no known author' thing be a section in the download manager only mods could see, so we could find the stuff in there, and find who made it before making it visible for use.
I'm in no way trying to prevent users from asking, I'm just saying I don't think it comes up enough to warrant a sticky or subforum. Just my opinion.
they could just post like part of a charcter set, so people couldnt steal it or use it. Or post a section of a tileset. This way people can see what the resource is, but not steal it

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