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Hollywood Composer creates original music for YOUR GAME

Hello all !
I'm a composer and i work for hollywood,

i'm able to create new original music that rivals the best videogame / movie soundtracks worldwide, in both quality and composition.
I feel like working on something new at the moment and i dont have much to do,
so the first one that makes me beleive in his project will get some original music done by me !
i like how you claim to be top of the bill and still have very unprofessional english mistakes
so please share some of your work with us, and amaze us
it'll be good


Awesome Bro

You work "for" Hollywood, eh?

And why did you label your work as the Zelda Wii theme, when you're clearly not working on it, and Nintendo has nothing to do with Hollywood since Hollywood = films, Nintendo = games.

Just admit it, you're just an amateur music composer who uses FruityLoops or something to make your music, because if you worked for Nintendo you'd have done this will a full orchestra.

Why do people pretend to be people they aren't to try and impress people over the internet, it's stupid, you're stupid, try again.
I do work for hollywood, yes. But i'd rather show some game related tracks as this is a game forum.
Doing a full orchestra track costs several thousand dollars and this is as close to the real thing as possible.


Awesome Bro

Why would you say dollars if you're european, wouldn't it be euros?

Seriously, stop with the charade, it's not working...
well it does sound rather good, whether or not it is done with fruity loops or whatever
im just curious how much of this is your own

did you actually compose this soundtrack, or just recreated the wii zelda theme when it already existed?
could you show us something you've made from scratch, using whatever you use, with it being original?
if that'd be up to par with this zelda thingy, i'd be thouroughly impressed
this zelda thing is 100 % my own, i did not use any pre exisiting material or melody. anything you hear here is 100% original work, this is made from scratch.
I could careless if you work for hollywood or not. If you're offering free music to any project here then you count me in because I too would like some original music for my game.

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