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Found wrap maps script - how to make work with 'move event'?

I'm trying to set up a scene where the characters are going down a long corridor, speaking with each other. I've got a parallel process event driving the characters forward one 'move left' at a time. The problem is that I don't know how long the player will want to leave the text on the screen, so I thought I'd try to wrap the map left/right to keep the characters going instead of having them stop at the X=0 point.

I did manage to find a map wrapping script online, but I'm still running into the 'stop at X=0' problem - when moving the characters manually, they can cross the left/right boundary with no problem, but the move event command doesn't process across it, presumably because it's still treating the 'X-1' motion as an invalid value.

Below is the code I believe covers the left/right motion at the left edge of the map - what changes do I need to make to this to permit it to allow a move event command to carry the player, or another sprite, across that boundary?
   def refresh_left

     unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]


       if $game_player.real_x == 0

         if Input.press?(Input::LEFT)

           def $game_player.passable?(x, y, d)

             return true


           @left_trigger = true








I took a quick look at this, and I think the problem is in the fact that the snippet you posted only lets the player walk on the connected map if he is pressing the left key.
If you post the whole map wrapping script I could take a look and try to find a workaround to make it work with the 'move route' event command.

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