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Error Compiling Game

I saw this yesterday. I was installing the game on our other computer so my wife could test it for me.
She hated it, by the way, but that's irrelavent...

I tried extracting it to "Program Files", logged in on her account, which doesn't have permission to install to that folder.
If you have lots of space, check the permissions.

Be Well
Holy fuck, why is your game 2 gigabytes? Unless you're keeping your porn folder in there are well. XD Jokes.

No, it won't necessarily come up with an error, it will just take like 2 years to compile. But there should be no errors.

I figured the source of my error was not the size, but something else. RPGXP is just touchy like that.
Sorry, I should have made it more clear. XD

Bojox3m said:
another question, if your game is big as in 2 gigs. will you encounter this error too?

There. I wasn't referring to you. Sorry, can't answer your question, maybe post an example? Or is your game too big?

EDIT: Actually, on second thoughts, a screen-shot would be nice.
Post the compressed .exe file (the one that gives you the error), and someone else can try extracting it.

Other info that would be useful: What operating system?
Where, exactly, are you trying to extract it to?

Are you sure it's not a "PEBCAK"?

Be Well

#1 It doesnt make a .exe file, becuase of the error.

#2 Windows XP.

#3 I dont know what "PEBCAK" is.

#Extracting to a folder on my desktop called"IJustWantToExtractMyGame"*Joke*
Its really called "ThisreallyfreakinsucksIjustwantmyfriendstoplaymygame"
I had the same problem before. Do you have the RGSS102E.dll? It might have been damaged or corrupted in some way(due to PC activity)..

All i did was include the dll file in my game folder and it compiled quick. Around 80mb..
If the game is too big, this problem occur. It happen to my game Fluffy and the gang too :(

To solve this, during the compilation, go to the game folder. You'll find the encrypt file with ".rgssad" as a file type. Copy that and paste it somewhere. Now, stop the compilation. Copy your game folder, delete all the resources folder (Basically everything except Game.exe, RGSS102E.dll and Game.ini) and the move the filename.rgssad to the same folder as this one. The game should now work fine :) And you can do whatever you want to your encrypted game now.
Are you trying to compile it through RPG Maker XP??? If so, you could try making a .zip file of it. All you would have to do is right click the folder that it is in and say compress file (i think). If you don't have that option, go online and download the free trail of Winzip and use that to compress your game. It wont compress it like RPG Maker would, but you could at least upload it to the internet so others could look at it. You might of tried this though, I don't know. It is just an Idea. Hope this helps! Good Luck!

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