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Dynamic Tutorial Collection

These are Tutorials that I made for everyone, from beginners to advanced levels. Well, here ya go. Tell me if you like it. Think of it like a capcom aniversary CD, but good.;)
Its 5 tutorials wrapped into one sweet package, like a candy bar without the sugary goodness, but instead of sugary goodness its tutorialy goodness.
Advanced Time Tutorial [level: Intermediate]

Advanced Time
Another Tutorial by me, yup another
This will require intermediat + lvl of rmxp.
THis will show you how to make advanced time and date system, it also does a short day and night tutorial.
You can edit the code to make it rain on certian days or be a sandstorm on certian days. Its totally up to you.
You can also make it so that your quests start or end on certian dates, you can make deadlines for anything actually. This will all
rely on your inagination.


First make a new common event and name it "Day_date_cp"
Next make it paralell to a switch.
Make two variables and call them Days and Months

Then enter these basic commands to create the simple day and night controls. These can work at any of your day specifacations that 
you have set for your games. Just change them to how long your days,  evenings,  and nights are going to be.
<>Contitional Branch Timer Below 6 Minutes and 0 Seconds
<>Tint Screen (0,0,-255,0) @200
<>Conditional Branch Timer Below 3 Minutes and 0 Seconds
<>Tint Screen: (-100,150,10,170) @200
Else Handler
<>Conditional Branch Timer Below 0 Minutes and 1 Second
<>Timer Operation Start (12 Minutes and 0 Seconds)
<>Variable [001: Days] +=1
Else Handler

Now for the hard part, for this tutorial I wont do every month. This will show you how 
to do it yourself with some simple eventing methods.

#Note. The picture number for each picture dosent change, so dont go making a new picture number for every show picture event.
<>Conditional Branch: Variable [001: Days]== *How many days in your month*
<>Erase Picture *Picture number 
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'Picture for frist number in date here eg. the 1 in 10th* Upper-Left Pixel (550,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'Picture for second number date here eg. the 0 in 10th* Upper-Left Pixel (550,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'Picture of Day here eg: Sunday* Upper-Left Pixel (550,30), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
Else Handler

*Keep putting the dates in order in the else handler of each other until you reach the beginning of the month. REMBER START AT THE 

After that put this small but of eventing to reset the days when it reaches the end of the month.

<>Conditional Branch: Variable [001: Days]== *How many days in your month*
<>Variable [001: Days] =1


Next make another common event and name it "Month_cp"
Make it paralell to the same switch as the first common event

And put this action

<>Conditional Branch: Variable [002: Months]== *How many months in your year*
<>Show Picture *Picture Number*Month name here eg.January* Upper-Left Pixel (500,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
Else handler
*Keep putting the months in order in the else handler of each other until you reach the beginning of the year. REMBER START AT THE

After that put this small but of eventing to reset the days when it reaches the end of the month.

<>Conditional Branch: Variable [002: Months]== *How many days in your year*
<>Variable [002: Months] =1


After this then put a new event on your map with a paralell trigger on it.
Set your variables of months and days at 1 by putting this.
<>Variable [001: Days] =1
<>Variable [002: Months] =1

Then to initalize your date on screen, when the variables change so will the date.
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Month name here eg.January* Upper-Left Pixel (500,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture for frist number in date here eg. the 1 in 10th* Upper-Left Pixel (550,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture for second number date here eg. the 0 in 10th* Upper-Left Pixel (550,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture of Day here eg: Sunday* Upper-Left Pixel (550,30), (100%,100%), 255, Normal

Then turn on your switch to make all of the actions work

<>Switch [0001: MYswitch]=ON;

So when you should have somthing like:

<>Variable [001: Days] =1
<>Variable [002: Months] =1
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Month name here eg.January* Upper-Left Pixel (500,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture for frist number in date here eg. the 1 in 10th* Upper-Left Pixel (550,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture for second number date here eg. the 0 in 10th* Upper-Left Pixel (550,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture of Day here eg: Sunday* Upper-Left Pixel (550,30), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Switch [0001: MYswitch]=ON;

Now to prevent this from happening everytime you enter that map, or just from initalizing the the varibles agian just create a new page.
On your new page you should see a checkbox that says Local Switch. Click it and set it to "A"
Go back to your first page and enter one more line to your existing code. REMBER ITS TO GO AT THE VERY END OF THE CODE ITSELF.

Local Switch: A= ON;

Your final first page code should be somthing in this general area:

<>Variable [001: Days] =1
<>Variable [002: Months] =1

Then to initalize your date on screen, when the variables change so will the date.

<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Month name here eg.January* Upper-Left Pixel (500,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture for frist number in date here eg. the 1 in 10th* Upper-Left Pixel (550,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture for second number date here eg. the 0 in 10th* Upper-Left Pixel (550,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture of Day here eg: Sunday* Upper-Left Pixel (550,30), (100%,100%), 255, Normal

Then turn on your switch to make all of the actions work 

<>Switch [0001: MYswitch]=ON;

So when you should have somthing like:

<>Variable [001: Days] =1
<>Variable [002: Months] =1
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Month name here eg.January* Upper-Left Pixel (500,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture for frist number in date here eg. the 1 in 10th* Upper-Left Pixel (550,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture for second number date here eg. the 0 in 10th* Upper-Left Pixel (550,75), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Show Picture *Picture Number* 'first Picture of Day here eg: Sunday* Upper-Left Pixel (550,30), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
<>Switch [0001: MYswitch]=ON;
Local Switch: A= ON;

To make it do things on certian days just add conditional branches that check the dates for your weather or your quest ends.


I make a character on my map and i want him to give my player a quest on the 1st of january and the first of january only.

So i just add a conditional branch that asks if the date is that and if its not then he does some other function, if it is then
the player gets to do my quest.

<>Conditional Branch: Variable [002: Months]==1 ///1st is january in my month list
<>Conditional Branch: Variable [001: Days]== 1 /// 1st is the 1st in my day list
*My quest stuff here


If you followed the instructions carefully then this should work, if you didnt then do it over ^_^
ALso if you use the images for the tutorial plx give credit.

Pre-Made Images that I did myself can be download here.

Example of tutorial in action:


Capture the flag Minigame: [level: Intermediate ]

First of all you need to make a large map; it should be mostly vertical, 
Suggestion* the tower tile set is a good choice for this.
Make two bases on the map at opposite ends. 
Make an item that you would like as your flag, It can be a sword, a real flag, or even an item, it really doesn’t matter.
Make sure the teams actually look like teams with matching outfits or it can get really hectic.
You also need to make a monster and monster group for the opposing team

Secondly we need to make the opposing team.
This first sprite should be placed in the front of your base
This will be a four page event:
Movements should be set to follow at fast speed and high frequency

Page 1:
The code is as follows:

<>Variable: [001: Flag Steal] = Random (1..100)
<>Conditional Branch: Variable [001: Flag Steal] = = 25
<>Message: Your flag has been captured, go get it back!
<>Change Event Location:( *where you put him by your base*)
<>Play SE: (*your choice but something annoying*)
<>Variable: [002: Flag Capture] -=1
<>Switch: [001: Flag Steal] = ON
Else Handler
: End

Page 2:
*Make sure the Local Switch A prediction is checked
The sprite should be the same but with a different color to know that
He is the one with the flag.
The trigger should be collision.
Movements should be at slow speeds and at highest frequency
They should be custom and set to repeat with the command “Move Away From Heroâ€ÂÂ



Just for refrence, when you create a thread here, it doesn't show up for everyone to see until Raz, I or one of the admins actually approves it. No need to panic and try and create the thread again. I'll see about getting that attached to the forum description.

Looks like a very indepth tutorial for some useful things. ^__^

Thank you for viewing

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