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Article Ideas

Quick ideas or requests for articles. You can discuss them. Can be as simple as "bacon does a column about how it feels to be a living insult to Jews" to something more elaborate.
I am going to try and cover how to map large, empty areas without them being boring, unless anybody else wants to take it on.

Also I am writing an article about GW2 and what we can nick from it in our own games.
It's more for things such as where you have a desert area where there needs to be nothing but sand on the entire screen, or where you have a field of the same grass tile over and over that's supposedly neatly cut. But I can include your tutorials too if you want or anything else already made.
I just was trying to make your life easier.
Actually I can do a quick mapping article every ezine if you need me to.
Whatever you want to do, there's no quota or anything so just do whatever you're happy with and it'll all get thrown together. Some regular features would be good.
Just dropping this here so I don't forget, but looking through screenshots a cool idea would be a look at how castles actually worked, in terms of mapping them and such.


Awesome Bro

Nobody wants to interview me because everybody sucks major dick! (... Although some members enjoy it, if that's the case, they suck shitty old man herpes infested dick)

I'm open to writing some articles by the way if you're ever interested in getting extra people in to help with the ezine... just sayin', it may or may not be gammackin related, lol.
Well atm there's a four page gap IF we do 20 pages. Anything 'll do even adverts really. The last interview went down really well tho.

An I'm replacing one of the cubicles as. It turns err bed out just another about me Shiite.

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