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Movement script

well, last night I was just looking around the forums looking for a lost treasure script that I can use in a current project of mine. Not finding what I needed led me to this:

Thinking of a unique style of gameplay not very commonly seen around. I decided that I'd make a request on it. The motivation behind this request is based off boardgames. The movement system would mimic or somewhat replicate the one from "Mario Party" series.

Basically, you "roll" a number, and you move ahead that many places.
I was thinking maybe a merge or if possible to build off a "Pathfinding" script.

A map is made to take the shape of the "board" so to say.

A window pops up asking you to "roll".
choosing continue would randomly "roll" a number.
choosing skip would return you to the map for you to either save/quit/etc..

Now depending on where the player/user lands after a roll, a certain event can happen. Some events can happen randomly, while others are set.
Some can be just a random amount of gold, a battle encounter, a treasure box can be obtained (random goodie inside : potions, armor, weapon)

I know that this can and will probably take some, if not a lot of time to get done. If anyone is willing to make, or atleast try post here :)

(also if its completely possible via events I'm also willing to try that method as well)

Thanks for anyone who's willing to try :)
scripts I'm currently using with the project:
*note: if you can't make it compatible with one of these scripts let me know*

Anti lag - near fantastica
ATB - Syvkal (based on Fukuyama)
level up window - Syvkal (based on Fukuyama)
Main Character selection - Raziel
Gradient bars - SephirothSpawn
Battle Commands - Vash (changes skills/attack based on class ID)
Display Event Names - ÃÂ
Roxas;200013 said:
You know, I think that this could actually be done with events. For each roll, set charmove to the rolled number, and have an event move that character the number of spaces. Then, depend on where the corridor turns, set a switch to change it to that direction. Like, If Switch Left on, Move HeroX in Left Direction by CharMove Variable, and so on for each direction. Just a though, hope it might help.

I see what you mean. But wouldn't that require a large amount of events on the maps. Even small maps would have a large amount of events just to make it work. (lag?)

You trying to make like Gunstar Heroes casino stage?

You could try a scripting for random issues that would trigger a pre-made animation with the dice's picked number.
For the movement, set the chipset so the player cannot return to the previous square, instead of it, move ahead always. like... to move to the left 4 squares: "deny access to right, up, down". then, set a script to "when number X is chosen, move char X times random". This way it's a single line, instead of a load of scripts.
I just don't think it would work on crossings, would have to be a single line of squares to move on (or else you could set alternative pathways in different maps so you could move on - the disabled paths could be simply a panorama BMP and you could set teleport action to move between pathways). Or even like: "which way you want to go now? roll dice to choose... 2,4,6 here; 1,3,5 there..." and then teleport the player there...
never played nor heard of Gunstar Heroes 0_o
If I had to say what would it be similar to I'd say : Mario Party.

I'll give your suggestion a try. Although I can see how it might work, but the only problem I see, would be making certain events happen after you've rolled the die.
shadowfox;205443 said:
but the only problem I see, would be making certain events happen after you've rolled the die.

OK, goes like this:

Show the dice as an event with a small graphic at the front of your char.
Activation: hit key to roll dice.
Event: play the random script event to pick a number. Then you have to test the animation of dice roll and see how much time (X seconds) it takes to finish. Then set in the dice event after the dice number is set "wait X seconds" to make it match the event timers. After that, there he goes! If you want to call an event after that, you could: 1. call within the event the variable number that would be linking to the square you entered; 2. call another event to calculate from where the char is, then execute the action - You could try to do that with IF variables, but will take a gigantic formula with 1 IF command for each square. Dunno if it'd lag for it's quick calculation after all; 3. set an event in each square, forcing the player to hit a key in order to proceed. Just add a dialog box in the dice event like: "hit key to proceed".
I have a question *pick me! Pick me!*

Will you be able to choose which direction you will take at intersections on the road? That would add a nice strategy to the game, for example the longer paths would be relatively safe (perhaps with treasure), while the shorter paths may have monster squares and pitfalls to compensate ie you'll have to sacrifice some health. I assume that these encounters will be known to the player, since you've made those cool little event boxes and its supposed to resemble a board game :)

Based on an ENTIRELY uneducated guess I would say that a combination of events and called scripts would work the easiest.

PS love the avatar by the way :thumb:

"I like the way you work it. No Diggity, I'd like to ba-" nevermind...

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