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New merchant skill: Agriculture.

Train it by picking crops and handling animals, etc. There isn't too much to do at the moment and the levels do really need tweaking, but the farm is now a much more useful area.

Ok. So while the above two screenshots are mockups, this one is actually live and working!

IRC Chat has now been implemented.


Two buttons don't currently work. It looks how it does because it's a bit of a MacGyver job. A lot of one, actually. But I think it looks alright? Just need to work out if I can disable timestamps by default because they take up a lot of room.

I now need to reskin the wiki to fit the box as it currently doesn't.

Oh and if you don't like it, the "x" in the corner gets rid of the sidebar altogether.
MediaWiki based guide/manual now available in-game in the left-hand bar.


There are a few glitches to iron out, but it should be pretty functional now.
I have rewritten the journal from the Crystals quest, as it was pretty lackluster. I also needed to set up a future quest.



Small update, rebuilt the system used for basic messages. It's styled to fit the game now rather than just being some boxes. Scales a bit better too.




Possible after:


The character on the right would show exactly what items the character is holding, so it's a bit more flashy. Also showing how many quests you've completed might encourage some exploration.

Also, this mockup is the start of a stats page for battle scenes, which would show up when you hover over the character's face (like in BattleOn).


The wheel is a chart of what elements have effect on the enemy.

I know the text may be a little small at the moment. Possibly clicking the face will bring up a larger scroll with larger text, filling the screen, that you can then close, with a tooltip telling you this.
It's... it kinda is and isn't. It's popular in that a lot of people join it, but there are no regular players, so it's also really unpopular. I have a lot to learn and to go into any new MMORPG with, certainly.
Well, in preparation for RPG Maker MV's release I have put up a notice on the Afar homepage. This is... the end. :cry: But it has been fun.


Five years near enough today! I can't believe it. I also can't believe it's still going, although not many people play it.

The new Afar will be much more worthwhile, and I intend it to be online pretty early in 2016 in much the same way that old Afar/Vengeance was.

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