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[XP]Dragon Quest Monsters Starter Kit (v0.13)

U Division's Dragon Quest Monsters Starter Kit
Version: v0.13

UPDATE: 10-18-08
-It's now a "Starter Kit", although far from complete or usable.
-More monsters have been added for you to fool around with.  (24 instead of 8!)


This is something I'm working on for, what is essentially, a Dragon Quest Monsters (or Dragon Warrior Monsters) remake.  There are differences (mostly out of my own lack of know-how and few for personal taste) and they do change things up a bit.   Some of this is eventing, and others of it scripting, but none of it was created with the initial intention of making it public.  For that reason, it may not be as user-friendly as you are used to. Common Events are used, Game Switches,   and lots of Global Variables show that I'm still new at this.

Basically, you recruit monsters during battle, add them to your party from the farm, and breed them to make new ones.  The parents "are no where to be found" after breeding a la the original game.

Who knows, I may just turn this into a DQM Starter Kit.


  • Recruit the Monsters that you fight against
  • Add those Monsters to your team
  • Breed those Monsters to make new ones
  • Monster Genders (Shown as "+" and "-" like DQMJ)

Screenshots and WalkThrough

First you use the "Recruit" Skill during battle.  The ease in which you recruit a Monster is based on your "Tamer Level" and their current HP.  Much like Pokemon, whittling down an opponent's HP is to your advantage.  Unlike DQM, you can't use an item to make your enemies like you more, but this is still a suitable substitute.

http://two.xthost.info/udivision/MT1/Gr ... ruit-2.gif[/img]
If luck is on your side, then monsters will join your party after battle.  Unlike DQM, more than one monster can join you.

http://two.xthost.info/udivision/MT1/Gr ... ruit-3.gif[/img]
In the Monster Farm you can change your party, adding up to three monsters to your team.  You do fight with your monsters, FYI. 

http://two.xthost.info/udivision/MT1/Gr ... ruit-4.gif[/img]
And best of all, their is the Starry Shrine thing.  The place where you can breed your monsters.  Choose any two monsters (the first being a pedigree and the second the mate.) to breed from your farm and party.  The parents of the monsters will run away, but the child will be at the level of the pedigree  and will know both parents skills.   This is a sizable change from the original games.  Partly to get rid of having to grind a level one monster up later in the game, and partly because your loosing two monsters to gain one. 

The way I've scripted breeding is as close to the DQM as it can be.   It does matter who the pedigree is and who the mate is, because reversing the order will produce a different monster.  For every combination of monster, there is an offspring. The only exception being monsters from the Boss Family.  They will be a little more selective in that area.

http://two.xthost.info/udivision/MT1/Gr ... ruit-5.gif[/img]
And finally, you have your offspring.   There will be no eggs to pay to hatch, you simply receive the monster and are ready to go. All new monsters are sent to the farm first, so you'll have to pick them up there. 

http://two.xthost.info/udivision/MT1/Gr ... ruit-6.gif[/img]
Now you can fight with your new monsters.


Download v0.13


Setting up the Database:
Make your Actor Database have 500 total. This allows for more than enough monsters.

Each monster should have it's own class.  The class must share the name of the monster that has it. You can set that up how you want as well.

Currently the script supports a non-monster hero.   That hero must have an ID of 2.  Anything afterwards is considered a monster.

Enemies that can be recruited must share a name with the Actor it corresponds with

Setting up Attributes such as "I AM SLIME" or "I AM BIRD" can be useful for moves that are better/worse against certain families.

Setting up the Events:

Basically, copy all common events (like, 4) from the demo and put them in the same place in your new project.  Also, copy the 3 Battle Events from the Monster Troop/Group thing from the Database. Every battle in which recruiting is possible needs them.  You dont' need the page that gives GAME OVER when the human hero dies, though.

Setting up the Script:
You'll find two scripts above main in the demo.  Copy and paste those into your project above main.

Scene_Save,Scene_Load, Game_Actor and Window_Base have been modified.  Copy them over from the project into yours if you want. However, the modifications are so minimal you may just want to check over and copy the specific lines if you've made any changes to those scripts.

*Edit your Save/Load screens to manage the three global variables.  The Demo v1.1 should have those variables in the Save/Load now.


I have a feeling this may end up being the biggest section...


I'm guessing my changes to the aforementioned scripts may make it incompatible with other scripts that affect them.

Credits and Thanks

The Demo uses DubeAlex's AMS.  You don't need it though, but if you do use it you must download the japanese RGSS thing.  It should be in the folder of the Demo though.  Simply Cut and Paste it to C:\Windows\System32

Author's Notes
Monsters in Database: 30
Monsters in Breeding Database: 24
Monsters in Demo: 24 (8 from battling, 16 from breeding)
Monster Families in Demo: 6 of 11 (Slime, Beast, Bird, Plant, Insect, Material)

Terms and Conditions

Consult me if your genuinely interested in using this script for a project.  It's not as user friendly as I would like so you made need my help to mod it.
You mean RGSS2?  Anyways, i love what you've done, it's absolutely great.  I remember back in the old days with a gameboy and dragon monster.  Looks nice also considering you have a few ripped sprites their too.
Link fixed. And I said "I hardly know RGSS" to imply that my knowledge of RGSS2 is even more lacking. ^_^

Thanks for the comment though.  I was playing the first DQM at the beginning of summer, and it kind of lead to all of this.
For those of you interested, it's now a Starter Kit. As of now I have the breeding system, recruiting system, plenty of DQM skills/magic, and of course, some necessary DQM graphics.

This new version has 3 times as many monsters (24) so if you're in the mood to fool around some more it'll be more accommodating.

Thank you for viewing

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