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What are you working on? (Game Making Thread)

I was working on an expression that gets the angle to rotate towards another tile. I ended up mapping a table of unique numbers and got distracted looking at relationships and distribution patterns. I've been kind of interested in emergent structures and cellular automaton lately.

I ended up just copying a function off the web. But even though I have the degree I'm still scratching my head on how rotation works in effekseer. It's like it uses the z axis I guess? Numbers like 90, 45, 0 give the expected result. But enter 90.1 and it's is some random direction. So instead of a gradual turn from 90 to 45, it just spazes out. I have no idea why. And the help file is no help.
I've been waffling between screenwriting and coding stuff.
I hit a dead end with Effekseer and using dynamic inputs. Parameters can inform particles but particles can't inform parameters.

Meanwhile, with my screenwriting, I keep telling myself to avoid writing characters as strangers. It's a pitfall I keep getting into and I know it would be so much easier and natural if the characters are familiar with each other as friends, family, classmates, co-workers ect...
But for some reason I just instinctively go into these scenes like they're meeting for the first time. Probably because I'm thinking, the audience is meeting the characters for the first time too. But I've started thinking, maybe that could be my style if I ever figure out how to do it right.


Chaos Goddess

I've been waffling between screenwriting and coding stuff.
I hit a dead end with Effekseer and using dynamic inputs. Parameters can inform particles but particles can't inform parameters.

Meanwhile, with my screenwriting, I keep telling myself to avoid writing characters as strangers. It's a pitfall I keep getting into and I know it would be so much easier and natural if the characters are familiar with each other as friends, family, classmates, co-workers ect...
But for some reason I just instinctively go into these scenes like they're meeting for the first time. Probably because I'm thinking, the audience is meeting the characters for the first time too. But I've started thinking, maybe that could be my style if I ever figure out how to do it right.
Ah~ I've had to introduce a lot of new characters, some of which are new to everyone almost! Thankfully I can write introductions pretty well and I can save myself some of this via word of mouth. Pep for instance, was already known of by Akra Olna because quote "Oh, Nola never shuts up about him~!"

So long as it feels natural to me then the rest is just seeing what my playtesters think, haha~

Contest begun so here's the title screen for my project~!
Fuuuuuuck. I'm so stupid.
I just lost everything I've done the last couple weeks because I updated my MZ project to 1.3.3
So I have to "Re-Fix" Effekseer.js and recreate the function that lets me read and set the dynamic parameters.
That's the easy part. There's honestly nothing to that.

What I really really lost was the custom configurations I was using for individual animations. I had worked out a very specific offset number through trial and error. And I don't think I'll remember it. Plus all the comments and shit I left for myself. That's what I get for working directly in the core scripts.

edit: ok, I think I got it back to the way I had it. Just missing some notes.
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Chaos Goddess

I scrapped Perdition. Too little enthusiasm, too little time.

Instead I began working on Fantasia a bunch, to start us off, here is some screens of a two-phase battle i made just today. Bottom-right or final screenshot is of a between-phases scene.


As for older news, there's plenty of it!
Atmospheres of Fantasia
As you can see: I've spent a good bunch of time breathing life into zones that demand it. These are far from the only two maps effected, but they were some of the first!

Battle Enhancements
Party members now play an animation when switching. Hit animations for player projectiles are now much more bunchy, on top of that: Animations for projectiles that hit during an ENNUI EMPOWERMENT have a much flashier animation!

Kloe and Nanianne's Quest to save the Nekomata from Extinction
A very interesting and unlikely duo goes about saving their trans-planetary cousins. It's probably one of the best optional scenes in the entire game.

Fantasia Scene 04 - GΔTEWΔY
Last you saw of this would have been the Clip a couple pages back. Now it's fully done, leaving all out of date assets behind.

Fantasia Scene 06 - Playthings No More!
Most noticeable changes to this scene since last time i posted the remaster will be on the music, sound design and one updated piece of art.

Fantasia Scene 11 - Apocalypse
I masterfully cut this previously 7+ minutes monster in half. It is still the longest cinematic in the game so far, but by far less obvious a margin. Updated all assets to be my current style or Pjcr's work. No thick-lines remain.

Fantasia Scene 12 - ESCHATON
The length remains the same, but there have been glaring changes here. Firstly, all the album art entries have been replaced by the art by pjcr and in most cases been panned and zoomed to hyperfocus briefly on where their symbol physically lies on their body before moving on. All old art has also been updated and new scenes replaced old ones that made no sense.

I've also made the sound file for Fantasia Scene 16 - Pride Eclipse and it's amazing. I will work on the visuals later.

His new laptop has arrived and once he can pay for his internet he'll be sending me files like nobody's business, as a vonus he is working as we speak!

The day draws closer where her internet provider will send someone to set things back up, at present though there is still covid.

And that's all that I can think of!


Chaos Goddess

I've been making so much progress lately that I have to post twice in a row, how deeply concerning but also comforting in a way!

But these updates are worthy of your eyeball meats!

First, it took me ages to finally do this, but it actually only took a few hours when I began to finish it.

The Escape from Xali

Galaxion Battle
Fighting a possessed Spooky Schema aka "The Wizard".

Battle with Wi Hellrider
As one would suspect, the Embodiment of Power is no laughing matter, even at 0.1% of her power. Also, this video contains the all new in-battle animatic for Lilac Grave's ENNUI EMPOWERMENT!

I also went and updated Svoli's DENUI DAMNATION animatic, and gave her voice lines for her fight.

So that's what's done in relation to gameplay, now cinematics wise!

Fantasia Scene 10 - Resurface of Traumatism
Svoli's voice actor came through with all her lines for Demo 3 so I had a lot of fun updating this cinematic!

Fantasia Scene 15 - Apotropaism
Her delivery on these lines is just magnificent!

In other news, I also spent a good amount of time performing some small updates to the iconset. But for the majority of that time I was busy creating HD icons (128x128) for the in game Medals, getting over halfway done before deciding to call it for the night!

He retrieved his laptop and has internet back, unfortunately he had to send off for a replacement laptop as his one wasn't charging! he is also in the process of getting his vaccination dealt with! His laptop is estimated to arrive this coming sunday. After which i truly hope there will not be any more delays! He reports to have finished the first pose of Lilith and begun on the second before he had to send his laptop off, and he backed up both files on his Flash drive.

No news on Xiie's front yet. I did get her on some new work orders though. She has made a full-recovery from Covid-19 last I heard.


Chaos Goddess

I've popped in once in a while to watch your streams.
The dev streams are a fairly new thing but they are incredible for motivating me to actually get stuff done!

For main story I have just three boss fights to go.

For cinematic remasters I have just two art assets to update.

FS16 is the only cinematic I have yet to start on visually, the audio is largely done, I have been delivered Lilac's lines since, and am just waiting on Xzygon for Spooky's.

I've given Pjcr two work orders which are related to the cinematic, this will help me out in constructing it.

No progress made today as I had my final dental appointment then tomorrow I have art workshop. i would like to get something done for it but I may not get around to it.
I've been working in Effekseer. Though I'm still stumbling with rotations. But I'm fairly certain it's because the units for fixed inputs are in degrees, and if you change it to a dynamic input it changes to radians. How? Why? Idk.
But I reported the issue on github. If that'll do anything...

Oh, but it looks like someone submitted a fix for setDynamicInput function. Although it's under EffekseerForWebGL v1.61e. Whether or not RPG Maker MZ updates it's own files is another thing. They're still using v1.53b. And they're so slow at updating anything anyways.
I survived the caffeine withdraw demons once again. For whatever reason, you just can't buy a 24pack of coke around here. They've got a whole wall of 12 packs. But why pay extra for cardboard packaging that isn't on sale? So I got Pepsi and Dr. Pepper.
The infusion of ichor from false idols may come with side effects and even be harmful to the environment. But it will enrich my soul with a sugary patina.
So, what's next on the agenda?

I may continue working on an effekseer 3D maze. I have a few other applications in mind.
I started watching the new season of the Demon Slayer anime; and it's starting out by diving into dreamscapes.
I'm so happy I could cry. This is my fetish. My jam. My genre.
And it's exactly what I need to get back to writing my perseverance fan game. I mean. Maybe.
I should prepare for disappointment. It's rare for these kinds of things to go longer than a few episodes so it could be over before I know it. But maybe that's all I need. Just a spark of inspiration.


Chaos Goddess


This is so cool but I literally had no idea it was being made if you finished this I could actually used it as a parralax for say... orbiting the S.S Potassium

For anyone wondering, this is the Space Monkey Pirates flagship (and only ship) for the Banang booty brigade. (a crew consisting of captain Crikey, Inventor Jammi, Gambler Gib Goldtooth, Assassin Slinky, Paramedic Treksi, Saboteur Zinyi and Explorer Sod.)

An arc for the Space Monkey Pirates has been planned (as is lightly reveleaed with a couple of the medal Icons above, 62 and 63 mainly) basically since I had the idea of opening out space-exploration into a big open-world sorta thing. After the last real interaction with them being in Menagerie, I've been looking forward to working with them since. Pjcr and Xiie already have work orders in their lists for them.

Curious what the heck prompted this but glad it is a thing! The flag could easily be animated via an event, and it can be more than three frames, as i have a plugin that lets my character sheets have basically infinite.

Oh... right, I guess I've been prompted to post- and i'm glad to inform you I have a bit to share!

Now sated with the Wizard/Wi fights seen some posts above, and after finishing the HD icons for medals entirely...

I decided to move onto my next target... the first fight with the whole party and now TWO party members capable of using ENNUI Empowerment.
The Battle with Limbo Bingo
I can't show you all of it yet due to not having an overdrive cinematic ready, but rest assured that aside from that (and some voice acting that is currently placeholder, the battle entry not counted), the fight is fully complete.

That isn't quite all though, i finally did the art i needed to for FS01 to make it's remaster complete.
This leaves only FS05 (Pjcr's art will be needed), FS07 (Xiie's art will be needed) and FS00. (the splash intro, where I need to draw a high definition front-view lazarus in my new style to make the game consistent, i also intend to updated the universal cinematic part to be less I314 and more Fantasia)

FS16 Pride Eclipse development has only just begun, although on the audio's end it's basically done. I have Coyotecraft helping out with animation assets, and I've got Pjcr on two different animation assets that he'll begin on once he's finished Lilith (the only portrait set he hasn't finished for the main story) and gotten me what files he has yet to send (6 Xaramitsi, 8 Xeltara, and 4 Lilith).

I'll be busy doing another frame-by-frame animation for Limbo Bingo in respect to his overdrive cinematic, but probably not until early November.
I actually had the thought of making the ship for you over a year ago. Just anticipating your needs. It's a pretty unique location. Although I can only guess at it's utility. Size wise, it's bigger than the screen, so things like the side cannons and flag wouldn't be seen normally without some reason or event to pan up or down. But it's space, so there's plenty of cosmic vistas.
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I'm just staring at this. Looking for micro improvements instead of just calling it done. I animated the hair with the warp tool in GIMP. But my technique could use some refinement. I think I could exaggerate the motion more too. GIMP is not great at animating things on layers.


Chaos Goddess

I'm just staring at this. Looking for micro improvements instead of just calling it done. I animated the hair with the warp tool in GIMP. But my technique could use some refinement. I think I could exaggerate the motion more too. GIMP is not great at animating things on layers.
I think her hair highlights still make it look like her hair is jello :0
The three center-highlights and the far left of her head (from our perspective) one, I mean. The rest look mighty clean and fine.

Are her clothes and dress animated, too? :0

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