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WANTED: Custom dog sprite sheet [RESOLVED]



Maker: RMXP
Type of resource requested: Charset
Sprite template being used: Custom
Describe what it is you want here: I've recently picked one of my old projects back up off its feet and have been brainstorming/spriting like crazy. I'm all right with medium to large sized sprites, however, I lack the skill level to sprite small charsets. What I'm looking for is an Akita sprite sheet. I've made an attempt at an idle side-view, however, I know it can be better. If the size can remain the same then perfect, however, I'll accept larger if it's required:

Here is my reference image:

What I also need is it to match my current art style (which it doesn't as it stands):

Thank you in advance!


Awesome Bro

15 minutes work, got the sideview movement done for you... what'cha think, need any changes before I move onto the hard part (Front and back views, lol) I used your original sprite as a base, since it was the right size and stuff, I just changed the legs to look, in my opinion, more dog-like, lol, as well as the shading to match the style of your character sprite.

PS. I used the imgzoom tags so you can take a closer look... although it goes blurry, lol.



Dude thank you so much! I tried endlessly to figure out how to make the bloody legs look normal aha. I don't see anything that needs to be added/changed; everything looks awesome.


Awesome Bro

Right, here's the front view, I've never been great when it comes to the spriting with the RPG Maker perspective without a template, so it might not be too great, but either way, here's progress on it, lol... if this is acceptable, then all that's left is the back view (And that I WILL hate doing, lol)

I couldn't make the tail move in a way that didn't look stupid while walking downwards, so I left it, but if you'd like I can try to add a little waggle to it or something

I've used imgzoom again if it's any help...


Awesome Bro

Lol, you've aligned them wrong, the way I've done it is so that it will have a... let's say... spring in its step lol, y'know, it bobs while moving, otherwise it looks like it's gliding along the floor and just swinging its legs :P

It should look alright in motion, I can't try it out though since I've not got XP installed... but I think I've finished the upwards movement now, just gonna' make a gif and test it, then I'll post it here along with the finished spritesheet.


Awesome Bro

Right, so firstly, here's a gif of all four directions, I couldn't get the back view to look quite right, but it works alright I suppose, lol...

I'll edit this post in a few minutes when I've aligned the sprites properly, although it probably won't be perfect since like I said, I don't have XP to test it, so you may have to do some shifting around yourself, I don't know...


Awesome Bro

Fuck it, can't be arsed clicking "Modify" so here's a new post instead...

Right, so it SHOULD be aligned properly, but meh, if not it's not exactly hard to move shit around to your liking lol... either way, hope you like it, enjoy, blah blah, the usual shit lol, no credit needed unless you want to but whatever, lol.


... Now I can go to bed since it's 8am yay!

PS. I expect to see some new screenshots with poochie in them when I wake up! :box:



I love it dude and I'm definitely giving you credit you modest chap. I'll definitely be posting a screenie of poochie soon along with his purpose etc. I owe you one mang.

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