Tutorial Archive
This is the new tutorial archive, included here are tutorials that will help users of RPG Maker XP and RPG Maker VX, no matter what their level of skill. Tutorials will only be added if it is deemed to be both useful and well written. Also, please keep in mind that the majority of these threads are more than two months old, so you should refrain from posting in them.
Without any further ado... the links!
Please feel encouraged to post here and suggest any tutorials to add. I will check it out and see if it's good enough and it will be added. Thanks and enjoy!
This is the new tutorial archive, included here are tutorials that will help users of RPG Maker XP and RPG Maker VX, no matter what their level of skill. Tutorials will only be added if it is deemed to be both useful and well written. Also, please keep in mind that the majority of these threads are more than two months old, so you should refrain from posting in them.
Without any further ado... the links!
-RPGMakerXP Tutorial 1(For Noobs) By Constance
This one's an oldie, but a goody! Lots of basic information for those new to RPG Maker XP. If you're an RM newbie, I highly recommend this tutorial!
-Basics Of Understanding RMXP By Calibre
This is another "RMXP for dummies" style tutorial. It's not finished and it isn't SUPER DUPER COMPREHENSIVE, but I still recommend it if you're new to RMs.
-RMXP Graphics Guide By Bluescope
Pretty much everything you need to know about how graphical resources work in RPG Maker XP.
-RMXP Resource Knowledge Database By Bluescope
General information on every type of resource for RMXP.
This one's an oldie, but a goody! Lots of basic information for those new to RPG Maker XP. If you're an RM newbie, I highly recommend this tutorial!
-Basics Of Understanding RMXP By Calibre
This is another "RMXP for dummies" style tutorial. It's not finished and it isn't SUPER DUPER COMPREHENSIVE, but I still recommend it if you're new to RMs.
-RMXP Graphics Guide By Bluescope
Pretty much everything you need to know about how graphical resources work in RPG Maker XP.
-RMXP Resource Knowledge Database By Bluescope
General information on every type of resource for RMXP.
-Ultimate Guide for a Nifty Fantasy RPG By Magus Masque
A lot of these tips are top-notch and would be helpful to anybody, not just people writing for fantasy RPG projects!
-Writing Properly in English by Cleveland Rock
for some raison many game's sound bad because there creators do'nt know basic english rule's!!!!!!
-Some Thoughts on SUpporting Characters By Volrath
Four great pointers on how to make your supporting cast interesting.
-The Nature of Evil: A Guide to Interesting Villains By Volrath
A great guide that shows that antagonists don't have to be one-sided megalomaniacal king's advisors.
A lot of these tips are top-notch and would be helpful to anybody, not just people writing for fantasy RPG projects!
-Writing Properly in English by Cleveland Rock
for some raison many game's sound bad because there creators do'nt know basic english rule's!!!!!!
-Some Thoughts on SUpporting Characters By Volrath
Four great pointers on how to make your supporting cast interesting.
-The Nature of Evil: A Guide to Interesting Villains By Volrath
A great guide that shows that antagonists don't have to be one-sided megalomaniacal king's advisors.
-What to do with Dungeons By Me(tm)
A few neat tips on making fun and enjoyable dungeons.
-Dungeon Design Do's and Don'ts By Artbane
Terrific guide to making great dungeons. Highly recommended.
-Mapping Tutorial By cos
Pretty decent mapping tutorial. Recommended for beginners at mapping.
-Advanced Bridges By Icarus Featherflight
Ever wonder how to make bridges which you could walk both under and over? Well this handy tutorial gives you step-by-step instructions!
-Panoramic Map Tutorial By Marcus
This VX-only tutorial explains how one can use panoramas to create unique and beautiful environs without ever touching tile one.
-Detaling and Symmetry By JuniorMaker
Despite some confusing grammar issues and the definite tone, this tutorial shows how excessive ground detail and unnecessary symmetry can detract from a map's quality.
-Dungeon Theory By Brickroad
Another great list of pointers on how to make a proper dungeon.
A few neat tips on making fun and enjoyable dungeons.
-Dungeon Design Do's and Don'ts By Artbane
Terrific guide to making great dungeons. Highly recommended.
-Mapping Tutorial By cos
Pretty decent mapping tutorial. Recommended for beginners at mapping.
-Advanced Bridges By Icarus Featherflight
Ever wonder how to make bridges which you could walk both under and over? Well this handy tutorial gives you step-by-step instructions!
-Panoramic Map Tutorial By Marcus
This VX-only tutorial explains how one can use panoramas to create unique and beautiful environs without ever touching tile one.
-Detaling and Symmetry By JuniorMaker
Despite some confusing grammar issues and the definite tone, this tutorial shows how excessive ground detail and unnecessary symmetry can detract from a map's quality.
-Dungeon Theory By Brickroad
Another great list of pointers on how to make a proper dungeon.
-Breeze sucks By missingno
The harsh tone aside, this is a tutorial that any spriter should read, especially those using the Breeze template.
-Super Special Awesome Custom Expressions and Poses Tutorial By Atemu
Really simple and fun tutorial on how to give your sprites a little extra emotion with custom poses and facial expressions.
-Makeshift Autotile Mechanics Tutorial By Cerulean Skye
Really just a simple image that shows how exactly RMXP handles autotiling. Very helpful.
-Make a simple Windowskin By Xilef
Easy how-to guide for windowskins.
The harsh tone aside, this is a tutorial that any spriter should read, especially those using the Breeze template.
-Super Special Awesome Custom Expressions and Poses Tutorial By Atemu
Really simple and fun tutorial on how to give your sprites a little extra emotion with custom poses and facial expressions.
-Makeshift Autotile Mechanics Tutorial By Cerulean Skye
Really just a simple image that shows how exactly RMXP handles autotiling. Very helpful.
-Make a simple Windowskin By Xilef
Easy how-to guide for windowskins.
-Scripting Process: Adding Attributes(Preview) By SephirothSpawn
Nifty guide on how to add attributes to default classes.
-In-Depth Scenes& Windows By Mr.Mo
Handy-dandy tutorial for fiddling with scenes and windows.
-Basic HUD Tutorial By Yeyinde
You know you wanna know how to make your own custom Heads-Up-Display.
Nifty guide on how to add attributes to default classes.
-In-Depth Scenes& Windows By Mr.Mo
Handy-dandy tutorial for fiddling with scenes and windows.
-Basic HUD Tutorial By Yeyinde
You know you wanna know how to make your own custom Heads-Up-Display.
-The Fruity Basics By Jstreet
Lovely tutorial for FL studios newbies.
-Tips on Optimal MP3 Usage By Volrath
A few quick tips on how to use MP3s to their fullest in your project.
-How to Make Looping Oggs By Yeyinde
Great guide to having high-quality music in your game with minimal size!
Lovely tutorial for FL studios newbies.
-Tips on Optimal MP3 Usage By Volrath
A few quick tips on how to use MP3s to their fullest in your project.
-How to Make Looping Oggs By Yeyinde
Great guide to having high-quality music in your game with minimal size!
-How to us ethe Map grid to reduce lag producing touch events By The Great Terror
Don't be scared off by the long name, this is a very useful and understandable tutorial. The lessons learned can also easily be applied to many other things.
-Corporate Thinking-A sneaky guide on hyping up your thread By Reives
Some nice tips on how to hype up your project thread. Sneaky sneaky!
-How to reduce your project's size, without losing quality By Third333strike
I think the title says it all.
-How to turn your RMXP/RMVX project into a single installable EXE By Third333strike
Title says it all again!
-Common Questions by Guardian1239
A combination of small tutorials.
Don't be scared off by the long name, this is a very useful and understandable tutorial. The lessons learned can also easily be applied to many other things.
-Corporate Thinking-A sneaky guide on hyping up your thread By Reives
Some nice tips on how to hype up your project thread. Sneaky sneaky!
-How to reduce your project's size, without losing quality By Third333strike
I think the title says it all.
-How to turn your RMXP/RMVX project into a single installable EXE By Third333strike
Title says it all again!
-Common Questions by Guardian1239
A combination of small tutorials.
Mikee's - [VX] Character Creation System (MMO Style)
Mikee's - [VX] Evented Weapon Customizatoin System
Mikee's - Player Housing/Redecorating system using events!
Mikee's - [VX] Evented Weapon and Armor Evolution System
rpgfanatic's - Random Weather Generator (Event System)
buhuhu's - [XP] Pacman Game (event-based with a script)
Guardian's - [VX] Event-Based Time System
Phoenix~Lament's - Event Created ABS [Action Battle System]
007snicker's - evented ABS with skills, items, HUD and much much more
Gando's - Item steal event system!
Punk's Plug&Play Event Systems
Mikee's - [VX] Evented Weapon Customizatoin System
Mikee's - Player Housing/Redecorating system using events!
Mikee's - [VX] Evented Weapon and Armor Evolution System
rpgfanatic's - Random Weather Generator (Event System)
buhuhu's - [XP] Pacman Game (event-based with a script)
Guardian's - [VX] Event-Based Time System
Phoenix~Lament's - Event Created ABS [Action Battle System]
007snicker's - evented ABS with skills, items, HUD and much much more
Gando's - Item steal event system!
Punk's Plug&Play Event Systems
Please feel encouraged to post here and suggest any tutorials to add. I will check it out and see if it's good enough and it will be added. Thanks and enjoy!