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This Week on .Org (January 12th - 18th)



So it's this time of the week, a beautiful time, a wonderful time; gather round lads and lasses, and let us remember, remember what happened. Actually, I'll remember, you kids shut up.


Classic Skin
Shadow, also known as toocutetobereal, has been working non-stop since the switch to phpBB, and has since then produced a wonderful "old school" forum style: the classic skin.

It's like SMF, except it's phpBB3! :shadow:

Your diligent staff team has once again surpassed itself by adding the most excellent phpBB3 modification; that is, GeSHi powered source code syntax highlighting. Script authors are now encouraged to use the rgss or code=rgss tags to embed the scripts or snippets.

RPG Maker

The most excellent Dadevster has started a new project: Pass It On!, a community project which, although directed by the aforementioned surreptitious youth, will be a product and a reflection of our community, both in terms of technical prowess and soul. So get a'cracking!

As well, there's a new project in town, girls and boys, and there's only room enough for one of its kind; it's a remake of the wonderful novella The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, by H.P. Lovercraft, named accordingly. The project looks promising from the screens, although I have a hard time imagining how a tale of mostly psychological (or, as big H would say, "cosmological") horror will be properly rendered as a game...but, who knows?

And, last but certainly not least, there is a new completed - yes, you heard me well - game! hellbound's jaw dropping Memories of Gaia looks somewhat cliché at first, but remember kids: never judge a book by its cover. It's a short game, so be sure to give it a try.

Arts, Tools & Misc.

Although somewhat old, this topic has yet to have been featured in a "This Week" proper, and moog has threatened to..."examine my prostate"...if I didn't mention it (not that I'd mind!!!!). Daryus has posted a set of royalty-free (I believe) songs here, which are, from the comments of a few users (notably Cruelty), jawesome. So if you'd been looking for a few choice songs to plug into your project, give it a look (or an ear)!

Another great topic that hasn't gotten the attention it deserves: munk3yboy's art repo, an amazing collection (plus a short pseudo-tutorial!) of animated and non-animated pieces by the aforementioned monkey.

Mundane's been putting up a few choice pieces from his upcoming sci-fi novel, Obsidian; now, I haven't read any of it, but apparently it's quite good. Worth a shot, I guess? @Surmuck: That's what you get for not telling me what to put up :eek:uch:

The one and only (French, might I add, which is definitely a plus) King Kadelfek is back with a compilation of his upcoming projects, which notably include: a 3D graphics engine, a physics simulator, and the DMK Megazord (seriously...?). Be sure to give it a look.

Well, nothing seems to be happening, but I think it's mostly because no one bothers to tell me anything anymore. Stay in school kids.

That's it for this week. So keep working on your contests and keep shitposting! For all of you kids with finals and whatnot, remember: do you want to become a lousy janitor (unless your uncle owns a store)?
yay etheon!!!!

(even more vanilla than soph's but you're working on my menus so instead i'll tell you that it's gold GOOD JOB!!!!!)



Vanilla, my dear Venetia?

You see, Ms. Lenetia McGyver, we, real men, who are, first and foremost, persons of integrity, do not hide behind petty drawings, make-believes to lull the masses into a false of security; we are frank, we are honest, we do not lie to our people. We believe in the promoting the truth, an objective, unsullied truth; no masks, no flashy colors, no pedantic nicknames...we are who we are: we are part of this community, and damn proud of it.

It may lack a certain air, a feeling of candor; it may lack panache and frill, but it says what it has to say, clearly, unequivocally, without any ambiguity. It speaks to the very soul of this community, and I believe it does a good damn job at it. We are the men, we are the proud, we are the only ticket with balls: this February, vote Sophist | Etheon for an honest two-ways community you can believe in.

This February, vote
Sophist | Etheon '09
The only ticket with balls

Thank you.
DMK Megazord (seriously...?)
Erf... I had rename it "DMK" (for DreaMaker), it looks smarter. :)

The one and only (French, might I add, which is definitely a plus) King Kadelfek is back
We are just two or three French programmers to go out the french community... we are not all "programmers on steroids" or something like that, you know... ^_^'
Killface":2awyfrob said:
Did it ever occur to you that the fictional character was based on me?

It's true. Especially in the crotch-region.


Paid for by the Venetia|Perihelion 2009 campaign.
The Venetia | Perihelion ticket represents true social progress. Venetia and I have a singular understanding of the userbase and the empathy and insight to deal with this site's problems, and moreover, we will take action! The only action the Sophist | Etheon ticket stands for is drinking beer and watching men in tights throw a ball around. Vote Venetia | Perihelion '09!!!
Both parties represent the dictatorship that is a two party system.

People do not realise there is no clear cut "Dix Wing" or "Chix Wing". There can be a middle ground, but only if you choose not to conform to the masses and take action yourself.

Joe plumber is the average dikchik that this forum needs to help raise status in the social heirachy. Joe plumber does not want booze and durgs, nor does he/she want complete empathy and vaginalove. Joe plumber wants to put Joe plumber first.

Vote third party this February.

~ Wyatt | chix and dix dont have to be seperate~
I leave the wise decision to the empowered, intelligent masses.

Vote for change.
Vote for liberty.
Vote for tits.
Vote Venetia | Perihelion 2009.

Vote Wiselyâ„¢.

Thank you for viewing

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