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This cursor is really busting my chops.

So for the battle system we're having it so that when your atb reaches 100 or more, you can attack using the arrow keys. It is somewhat reminiscent of Valkyrie Profile lenneth, or even Xenosaga II in a way.
The problem we're having (Mostly graphical actually) is that when you press the direction, the arrow doesn't move to above the other enemy...
So here is what we have:

Variables and shit{

Won't put them all in cause there are too many


Battle Events {

On start of layout -> Set COneSpD to ceil(random(COneMinSpd, COneMaxSpd))

                             Set EOneSpd to ceil(random(EOneMinSpd, EOneMaxSpd))

                             Set ETwoSpd to Ceil(random(ETwoMinSpd, ETwoMaxSpd))

Every tick -> Set text to COneATB&newline&EnemySelect

Every 1.0 seconds

Freeze = 0           -> Add COneSpd to COneATB

                             Add EOneSpd to EOneATB

                             Add ETwoSpd to ETwoATB

COneATB >= ATB -> Set(cursor) X to EnemyOne.X

|                            Set(cursor) Y to EnemyOne.Y

|                            Set Freeze to 1

|One Left arrow pressed -> Set(Cursor) X to Cursor.X + 60

                                      Set(Cursor) Y to Cursor.Y + 60


Anyway, if that makes sense to anyone, please tell me why it isn't working, and how to make it work T^T

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