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Show State Names when afflicted?

Hello everyone. I'm using RPG Maker XP, and I'm using Gubid's Tactical Battle System v1.5. I'm trying to make it to where the game will show the names of states in text format when those states are afflicted or removed. A "+" in front of the state name when added, and a "-" when removed. I don't have much scripting knowledge with Ruby, but I am able to make minor tweeks to scripts. For example, Gubid's TBS didn't have the script to make Regen states add hp, and I fixed that, which was simple to do. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to get a text pop with the name of afflicted states when such states are afflicted. I ran across this script: Atoa's state pop, its supposed to be used with his battle system. I added it to my scripts, and it doesn't produce any errors, but it doesn't show the names of states when states are applied either. Is there a simple way to do this? Can anyone help me do this? Or is it possible to convert Atoa's pop damage script to work with Gubid's TBS? Please let me know, I mean this sounds like it would be a simple thing to do regardless of the battle system I am using, but then again, I'm not very good at ruby scripting.

Here is Atoa's state pop script if that helps anything:
# ** ATOA Status Effect Pops
# by DerVVulfman
# version 1.1
# 1-10-2016 (mm/dd/yyyy)
# RGSS / RPGMaker XP
# This script creates a new damage pop option for the ATOA ACBS system, now
# drawing status effect/ailment names along when a character is so effected
# while in battle.
# Like the original system, graphics for status damage pops are kept within
# the Graphics\Digits folder. Otherwise, it will draw damage pops using the
# more traditional draw_text method.
# NOTE: Mix match of graphically rendered and text drawn damage pops is not
# visually recommended. Both handle positioning differently.
# This script is an add-on for Atoa's ACBS.
# Paste below Atoa's ACBS system.
# The configurations are explained below.
# These are going to be quickly explained. There's not a lot really TO
# explain about them.
# Basic values:
# * Dmg_State_Max
# This sets the maximum number of damage pops that will show at one time.
# I do not recommend going above 3 as it may appear crowded.
# * Dmg_State_X_Adjust
# Like the Atoa ACBS system, there is an extra X-Position adjustment value
# you can use. A setting of 0 should keep it horizontally aligned with all
# other damage pops of the same style.
# * Dmg_State_Y_Adjust
# This determines the vertical position of your damage pops, either above
# or below the ones normally generated. Negative values are above the
# default pops while positive will be positioned below.
# * Dmg_State_Height
# This sets how much vertical space is between each status damage pop.
# * Dmg_Default_Text
# This is used when a status damage pop is being generated and no custom
# status effect name (below) is defined. If this value is set to true, then
# it will use the default name in the database. If set to false, then it
# will not render the status damage pop.
# * Dmg_State_Skip
# This allows you to define what status ailments are not to be shown, even
# if the game is set to permit default status effect names (above). Just
# set the IDs of the states in the array.
# Extended values:
# * Dmg_State_Pops
# This is a hash array where you set the name for each status effect to
# show. If a graphic of the same name is in the Graphics\Digits folder,
# it will render that graphic as the damage pop. Otherwise, it will show
# this name using default text methods. If a state pop is being generated
# and no name is in this hash array, it will either show the default name
# stored in the database or just 'not' show the pop, depending upon the
# value set by the Dmg_Default_Text value (above).
# * Dmg_State_Color
# When a status damage pop is rendered, it is of a custom color. This
# array sets the default color in the [red, green, blue] format. It can
# be overwritten by individual color settings described below.
# * Dmg_State_Colors
# This is a hash array where you set the color for each status effect to
# show. If no color is defined for a given state, it will use the default
# color above.
# * Dmg_State_Dur
# When a status damage pop is rendered, it is to stay on the screen for
# a set period of time in frames. This is where you set the number of
# frames (default = 40).
# * Dmg_State_Durs
# This is a hash array where you allow some status effect pops to show
# longer or to vanish quicker than others. If no value is listed, it will
# use the default duration as set by the Dmg_State_Dur value above.
# Free for use, even in commercial games. And as this script was requested
# by Noctis, you have to give both of us credit for this script.

module Atoa
Dmg_State_Pops = {} # Do Not Touch
Dmg_State_Colors = {} # Do Not Touch
Dmg_State_Durs = {} # Do Not Touch

# State Pop Values
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Basis values to set that control the system.
Dmg_State_Max = 3 # Max # of State pops (Recommend no more than 3)
Dmg_State_X_Adjust = 0 # X position adjustment for State Pops
Dmg_State_Y_Adjust = -48 # Y position adjustment for State Pops
Dmg_State_Height = 16 # Vertical Space between State Pops
Dmg_Default_Text = true # If true and no damage pop defuned, use default
Dmg_State_Skip = [0] # Array of states NOT to show pops

# State Pop Names
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Renames the damage pops or acts as filenames for graphic pops to show.
# If a filename, assumes graphic is in the Graphics\Digits folder.
Dmg_State_Pops[26] = "Immobilize" # Changes state name to ""

# State Pop Colors
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Used only with damage pops drawn with the more traditional draw_text
# method, this sets the color of rendered text. Not used with graphic
# image pops.
Dmg_State_Color = [255,0,0] # Default color set to red
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dmg_State_Colors[0] = [255,0,0] # Red color

# State Pop Colors
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Used only with damage pops drawn with the more traditional draw_text
# method, this sets the color of rendered text. Not used with graphic
# image pops.
Dmg_State_Dur = 40 # Default state effect duration
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dmg_State_Durs[0] = 40 # 2 second duration


# ** Atoa Module
$atoa_script = {} if $atoa_script.nil?
$atoa_script['Atoa StatePops'] = true

# ** RPG::Sprite
# Class that manages Sprites exhibition

class RPG::Sprite < ::Sprite
# * Alias Listings
alias status_pops_damage damage
# * Set Damage Pop
# value : Damage value
# critical : Critical flag
# sp_damage : SP Damage flag
def damage(value, critical, sp_damage = nil)
# Create temporary damage state array
temp_dmg_states = []
# Push new damage states into array
temp_dmg_states += @battler.state_to_add unless @battler.state_to_add == []
# Perform the original call
status_pops_damage(value, critical, sp_damage)
return if temp_dmg_states == []
# Take only up to the max number of states to show
temp_dmg_states = temp_dmg_states[0,Atoa::Dmg_State_Max]
# Reverse order if drawing above normal damage pop
temp_dmg_states.reverse if Dmg_State_Y_Adjust < 0
# Cycle through temporary damage state array
for i in 0..temp_dmg_states.size-1
# Get state ID from list
state_id = temp_dmg_states
# Skip if the state is a no-show state (no pop)
next if Atoa::Dmg_State_Skip.include?(state_id)
# Get height position)
state_ht = (i * Atoa::Dmg_State_Height) + Dmg_State_Y_Adjust
# Determine if a valid graphic exists or if text
test_pop = false
testbitmap = RPG::Cache.digits(Atoa::Dmg_State_Pops[state_id])
test_pop = true
# Branch if text pop or graphic
if test_pop == true
damage_state_pop_texts(i, state_id, state_ht)
damage_state_pop_graphics(i, state_id, state_ht)
# * Set State Damage Pop from Graphic
# i : counter index of state in state pops applied
# state_id : actual status ailment ID in database
# state_ht : height position to be drawn in respect to pop
def damage_state_pop_graphics(i, state_id, state_ht)
# Determine last sprite drawn among all damage pops
newpopsize = @_damage_sprites.size
# Get duration for individual state
state_dur = Atoa::Dmg_State_Dur
if Atoa::Dmg_State_Durs.has_key?(state_id)
state_dur = Atoa::Dmg_State_Durs[state_id]
# Grab the actual image from the folder
bitmap = RPG::Cache.digits(Atoa::Dmg_State_Pops[state_id])
# Set sprite number, delay and x/y position
j = newpopsize + i
dmg_delay = Multi_Pop ? i : 1
x = Dmg_State_X_Adjust
y = state_ht - self.oy / 3
# Draw the state damage sprite
damage_state_sprite_drawing(bitmap, state_dur, dmg_delay, j, x, y)
# * Set State Damage Pop from Text
# i : counter index of state in state pops applied
# state_id : actual status ailment ID in database
# state_ht : height position to be drawn in respect to pop
def damage_state_pop_texts(i, state_id, state_ht)
# Determine last sprite drawn among all damage pops
newpopsize = @_damage_sprites.size
# Get duration for individual state
state_dur = Atoa::Dmg_State_Dur
if Atoa::Dmg_State_Durs.has_key?(state_id)
state_dur = Atoa::Dmg_State_Durs[state_id]
# Get damage pop string from state ID
damage_string = Atoa::Dmg_State_Pops[state_id]
# Either use the default name or exit if no replacement string
if damage_string.nil?
if Atoa::Dmg_Default_Text == true
damage_string = $data_states[state_id].name
# Get the color for the status damage pop
state_color = Atoa::Dmg_State_Color
if Atoa::Dmg_State_Colors.has_key?(state_id)
state_color = Atoa::Dmg_State_Colors[state_id]
# Set the color
pop_damage_color = [state_color[0], state_color[1], state_color[2]]
# Cycle through individual letters in text
for k in 0...damage_string.size
# Obtain letter
letter = damage_string[k..k]
# Create new bitmap for letter and draw
bitmap = Bitmap.new(160, 48)
bitmap.font.name = Damage_Font
bitmap.font.size = Dmg_Font_Size
# Set black font outline and draw outline
bitmap.font.color.set(0, 0, 0)
bitmap.draw_text(-1, 12-1,160, 36, letter, 1)
bitmap.draw_text(+1, 12-1,160, 36, letter, 1)
bitmap.draw_text(-1, 12+1,160, 36, letter, 1)
bitmap.draw_text(+1, 12+1,160, 36, letter, 1)
# Set pop color and draw text
bitmap.draw_text(0, 12,160, 36, letter, 1)
# Set sprite number, delay and x/y position
j = newpopsize + k
dmg_delay = Multi_Pop ? i : 1
x = Dmg_State_X_Adjust + 32 + k * Dmg_Space - (damage_string.size * 8)
y = state_ht - self.oy / 3
# Draw the state damage sprite
damage_state_sprite_drawing(bitmap, state_dur, dmg_delay, j, x, y)
# * Set State Damage Pop from Text
# bitmap : bitmap passed into drawn sprite
# state_dur : amount of delay adjusted for individual state
# delay : amount of delay adjusted for characters in pop
# count : counter for individual sprite drawn (increases for each)
# x : x-position of damage pop sprite being adjusted
# y : y-position of damage pop sprite being adjusted
def damage_state_sprite_drawing(bitmap, state_dur, delay, count, x, y)
dmg_delay = Multi_Pop ? i : 1
dmg_adjust = Damage_Sprite ? 32 : 96
@_damage_sprites[count] = ::Sprite.new(self.viewport)
@_damage_sprites[count].bitmap = bitmap
@_damage_sprites[count].ox = dmg_adjust
@_damage_sprites[count].oy = 20
@_damage_sprites[count].x = self.x + Dmg_X_Adjust + x
@_damage_sprites[count].y = self.y + Dmg_Y_Adjust + y
@_damage_sprites[count].z = state_dur + 3000 + dmg_delay * 2
@_damage_sprites[count].opacity = 0

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