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Sandfall Resource Dump

Last week I got a new computer, and I was recently digging around the old files on my main laptop. I found these old Sandfall resources, and—since the Sandfall project has long been abandoned, unfortunately—I figured that I might as well release these publically for people to use. I'm not going to have any use for them myself anymore. Lots of people may have seen these in the past, but this is the first time I'm officially releasing these.

Note that these are pretty old, so feedback on them won't really mean much. But if you're inclined, it could never hurt. For the most part, these are just a re-imagined RTP, anyway. Lots of recolors, with a few original sprites and frankensprites mixed in. Mostly this is just a dump for whoever could find a use for this stuff. Enjoy. Or not. :d

Download .zip (96 Files)


(There are a couple of sets like this that have animated characters or objects)


These tilesets aren't in the .zip file, because I didn't think to upload them until after. There's nothing really special about these, but they fit the style of the characters.

The original Sandfall tileset. Again, it's mostly recolored and rearranged RTP.

This second one is my newer, custom work. The tileset is mostly incomplete, but if anyone wants to pick up where I left off, feel free.

And that's that. Figured somebody might be able to get some use out of these. If not—oh well. Thanks for checking them out.
Nice work, shame most is unfinished. I dunno how useful unfinished work is!

Nonetheless I could see myself playing a game with those graphics. It's certainly an original genre to go down.

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