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Minigame - Shift Puzzles

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Shift Puzzles
Version: 1


A little minigame requiring you to sort the tiles on an image so the numbers go in order or the image is shifted correctly.





  • Customizabe to any deminsions on an image
  • Customizable to any image
  • Counts Moves you have made


Place the script below the SDK and above Main.

For further instructions, refer to the script heading or post any questions here.

Author's Notes
It was nothing more than a quick test of my abilities, so it was a quick hour of fun for me. I adopted it so hopefully someone might make a dungeon mini-game out of it or something.

Enjoy as Always.



Very very nice SS..good for Die-hard fans of these games :D

EDIT: I mean Trickster ;) I thought you might like more feedback and stuff so here it goes.

I've played with it and it works like a a charm but could i reccomend a major development onto this by making the squares rotatable so that you can make even harder puzzles and also i reccomend getting rid of the numbers :D

EDIT: I also just noticed how dumb ive been lol...cause the numbers are for example :P Kudos
That's a great idea. Trickster, you should make a version 2.0 of this with rotatable squares to make harder puzzles. And, to make it more fun, you could make it so you can earn things from solving the puzzle.
Cool, but are the numbers image files? I think I'd preffer that so I can change the things being grouped. I like this, it reminds me off the bookshelf minigame in xenosaga 2.
SephirothSpawn said:
It was nothing more than a quick test of my abilities, so it was a quick hour of fun for me.
It only took you an hour? It took me about a day to make an event-based one, which I made before I knew how to script.

Good job.
I thought of a few things that could improve this.
*Ability to change the size of the grid and the number of peices on it.
*limit to the number of moves you can use(as in, it would descend instead of ascend) not unlike the Onimusha 2 puzzles.
@Mac: Okie Dokie. I will add something for ratatable tiles next time.

@ryanwh: No. The numbers are drawn on there. You can turn it on or off, as well as the border thingy. Just check the script heading.

@Daniel3579: Yeah, I move fast. I did it on my lunch break yesterday. ^_^

@ryanwh - 2: You can. Just use:
$game_shiftpuzzle = Game_ShiftPuzzle.new(tiles_wide, tiles_tall, image)

The tiles are made by the size of the image / the number of tiles wide and tall. You could just use:
$game_shiftpuzzle = Game_ShiftPuzzle.new(20, 15)

It would make the same puzzle from the demo 20 * 15, instead of 5 * 5. ;)

I guess I could make a 2.0 that could also include a moves limit. I am also doing something for multiple puzzles, so more than 1 will be saved to the memory.
as raz said, i am getting an error when i press enter,anyway, good script
Oops. Forgot to turn the window object to nil. I will fix that in the new version, I just need to come up with an effective bitmap rotate function (Yes, Sprite has one, but bitmap does not).

For Now, find the line:
# And Add this below it
@seph_shiftpuzzle_window = nil

Thanks Raz. I probably should have forced... I mean asked you to beta test this first.



This is a very impressive little script! Excellent work!

However, I am ashamed to admit I don't understand how it is possible to complete this puzzle. There doesn't seem to be an ability to switch the tile you are controlling so you are always moving tile 25...which either makes it absurdly hard or I am just absurdly dumb.

Should I eat more fish or should there be a way to switch which tile you can control or such?
The tile you control is always the most bottom right tile. You can change it, but you would have to basically re-configure the script and stuff. You can always just make a bottom left tile white or something on your image, mind you can control the number of tiles, so yeah.

Update: I have got the rotating function down, it should be a few days at the most for an update on this.



I downloaded and used the demo. For me, I ALWAYS controlled tile #25. I was never able to control a different tile. So I was simply able to one by one switch #25 with an adjacent tile, making it seemingly impossible to ever actually complete the puzzle fully.



Well then the question remains...how do you win? Without the ability to switch the tile you control, it seems absurdly hard.
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