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Hey, all! A strange random site question for you...

At the bottom of the main page is "Currently Active Users". I sometimes browse around there to see who is on, and have noticed 3-4 times that it lists Lene's name as "Lene+". However, you can't click on the +-- only on Lene's name. I haven't seen it do this for any other mods; for example, Raziel doesn't have this.

It doesn't matter, I'm just curious... any idea why it's "Lene+"?



An advanced Computer Program based on the Original Lene.

It was created by ERK when Lene sadly moved on :(

jks. I have No idea
Both TREG and lene are not in my buddy list and don't have a + at the end of their names. Only people in your buddy list should.
As a vB admin myself, I can confirm that the + indicates a person refering to any side's buddy list. I don't have Lene on my buddy list and she obviously doesn't have me on it, neither, so I don't see a +, simple thing.

PS: Admins should see a * after invisible people :D I somewhere seen a ~ somewhere, but I'm not sure about that... maybe I was just trying something ^_^
Well, I added Raziel and removed Lene... sure enough, now it's "Raziel+" and "Lene".

Johnny, you must be mistaken or something (EDIT: just saw your post; nevermind)... but it works for me! Thanks Lene, Raziel!
@Cami: I didn't expect someone would understand it without reading it twice ^_^ But I'm glad I could help you guys out.

PS: 'Bluer than Blue' ? Seriously not ^_^ (I'm 0-0-255, you can't beat that :D )



BlueScope said:
@Cami: I didn't expect someone would understand it without reading it twice ^_^ But I'm glad I could help you guys out.

PS: 'Bluer than Blue' ? Seriously not ^_^ (I'm 0-0-255, you can't beat that :D )


lol, Damn you and your technical knowledge!!

well I can't beat 0-0-255, so I guess I'm just average blue, but it doesn't have the same ring to it :P
There could only be one true Blue though, and considering my name, that must be me. Get another color :D

PS: This thread is resolved and unnecessary, so I report it. Further color discussions per PM :D
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