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Last name script (Resolved)

Okay, I'm trying to code in a script to display the last name of a character on the status screen, but I'm not quite sure how to do it. Here's the script for it right now...

EDIT: Updated the script a bit, still don't think it'll cut it at this point

  def initialize
    x = @actor.id
    case x
    when x = 1
      lastname = " 1"
    when x = 2
      lastname = " 2"
    when x > 2
     lastname = ""
So can you help me here?
I think i got what you need...

Place this in Window_Base (right under def draw_hero_name is ok)

def draw_actor_fullname(actor, x, y)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    case @actor.id
     when 1
      lastname = "Dragon"
     when 2
      lastname = "Gryphon"
     when 3
      lastname = "Snake"
     when 4
      lastname = "Tiger"
     when 5
      lastname = "Whale"
     when 6
      lastname = "Dino"
     when 7
      lastname = "Kitty"
     when 8
      lastname = "Doggy"
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 120, 32, actor.name + " " + lastname)

then change:
draw_actor_name(@actor, 4, 0)
draw_actor_fullname(@actor, 4, 0)

and your done...

Haven't fully tested it but i think it works fine... enjoy!

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