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[ES] Dash Button

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Dash Button

With the press of a button, the player moves at a faster pace.

  • Speed up when button is held, slow down when released.

Go to the Common Events Tab in database. There's your screenshot. :p

Download here

:':)':)'( Blame the kingdoms...just kidding.

Create a new switch. Name it Dash Button.
Go to common events.
Create a new common event.

Name of comment event: Dash Button.
Trigger: Parallel.
Switch: Dash Button

@>Conditional Branch: Script: Input.press?(Input::A)
@>>Set Move Route: Player: Speed 5
@>>Set Move Route: Player: Speed 4
@>Branch End

If you are looking for support then please, feel free to post in this thread or in the PunkBoards over at my profile.

I don't think this will work with pixel movement scripts.

Credits and Thanks

Author's Notes

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it sounds cool but the links broken may i serest you upload it again on filefront.com they have quick uploading on big files for free
im making a game and its just so confusing to but skills together i looked how to make skills and i found you link it sound foursome 

You're seriously complaining about broken links on topics over a year and a half old  :dead:

Please take more care, check the last post date, and at least search before posting - the topic creator himself has since remade this system anyway so I'm 'a locking this. And don't do it again >:|
Do you really need a script to check for a button being pushed?  That's an option in a conditional branch, after all.

Also:  Be aware that if you have a cutscene where the player is going to be affected by a Set Move Route Command in any way, turn the switch that allows running off during the scene.  Otherwise, the Set Move Route of the dash command will interrupt the SMR of the cutscene, which will really wreck things.
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