15x15 - 5$/2,5$
20x20 - 8$/4$
30x30 - 15$/7,5$
40x40 - 20$/10$
50x50 - 30$/15$
60x60 - 35$/17,5$
70x70 - 50$/25$
80x80 - 55$/22,5$
90x90 - 65$/32,5$
100x100 - 80$/40$
Other size - send me message
My works you can see on the site: https://veres96.wixsite.com/createyourworld
20x20 - 8$/4$
30x30 - 15$/7,5$
40x40 - 20$/10$
50x50 - 30$/15$
60x60 - 35$/17,5$
70x70 - 50$/25$
80x80 - 55$/22,5$
90x90 - 65$/32,5$
100x100 - 80$/40$
Other size - send me message
My works you can see on the site: https://veres96.wixsite.com/createyourworld