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Kingdom Ablaze Trading Card Game


Loose Story(It's possible I'll make changes in the future):

There are 13 elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Light, Darkness, Life, Death, Decay, Force, Time, Immaterial, Void.

There once was a Utopian society called "The kingdom" naturally utopia cant last forever, there were tons of guilds back then, but 5 major guilds were at the epicenter of the kingdoms destruction. The Guild of the People(void), The Terraformers Guild(Force, Water, Air, Earth), The Guild of the Unknown (Time, Immaterial), Guild of Healing (Life, Death, Decay), Guild of History (Fire, Light, Dark) [names in () are the elements the guilds broke into after the destruction of the kingdom] The game takes place 777 years after the destruction of the kingdom and the 13 kingdoms are all still battling each other, with no kingdom having a clear advantage.

More About Each Element:

General Strategy of each Element:

Water: freeze opponent in tracks, summon minions
Fire: pure attack/ damage
Air: mostly self preservation
Earth: lots and lots of hp, made for blocking
Light: holy damage
Darkness: steal from opponent and use against them, unholy damage
Life: swarm beyond belief, healing
Death: swarm and summon the dead
Decay: dont allow opponent to play any strategy (lots of cards that turn things into other things)
Force: dont allow damage, cause lots
Time: slow down opponent or speed yourself up
Immaterial: dont allow damage, deck out
Void: every single card from the void is designed to counter the above (plays bad as mono, really good in multicolored)
ive spent alot of time making sure void isnt over powered.

Game Play:

Its a Strategy Trading Card Game, similar to Elements and Magic the Gathering, though i have added some of my own features. The game board is a lot like Elements and plays a lot like Elements, for example you gain energy at the end of each turn (not taping like magic), you attack the player directly not creatures (like elements) where its more like magic is: card selection, better balancing(future, right now needs some work), complex spells. a couple things i have added (not a complete list) better AI (i feel both games have poor AI), board effects such as flood, wildfire, and fissure, a slightly more complex equipment system, more of a RPG aspect (for those who want it there is a full story campaign mode).

Multiplayer: I would really like to add this, but not until the core game is complete

Modding the Game:

I almost left out the most important part of this as I was updating this thread. The ENTIRE game is moddable.
-You can change any graphic with ease
-You can change any cards stats with ease
-You can remove any card
-You can add any card
-You can delete the games database and add your own
-heck if you wanted you could change every single graphic and use your own database, leaving only the executable the same.

The one thing I wont let people mess around with is purchases (more about the games price latter (Free-to-Play))

Clarification on the cost issue: I am not making a pay to win game or pay to play more then a portion of the game. The whole game will be completely playable for free. But I will be selling Booster packs, player skins, and stuff like that in the store to help me fund adding new stuff to the game.


Development Screens: [updated Mar 11, 2014]
Title Screen

Deck Selection Menu (wip)

Game Board (Debug)

WIP Cards[no wip cards right now (focused on code more then art)]

Legendary Cards: [updated Feb 26, 2014]


This video was pretty bad/old, I plan on making better ones soon.

Supported Platforms:

PC (Windows 7) - Working on first
Windows 8 - I have got it working on windows 8, requires a little extra work
Xbox360 - no longer possible thanks to Microsoft
Mac - Id really like to if i can get enough people playing the game to be worth it
iPad - First thing I'll port it too once the PC version is happy (since the touch screen is perfect for this)
Android - Prob not, mostly do to issues with render targets and software licensing cost

Other Info:
-Looking for alpha testers, just send me a message
-Looking for people who would like to build possible decks for the AI to use, just send me a message
-Looking for someone who might help me make a simple website, something like: http://www.shiningrocksoftware.com/game/
-Im always open to ideas and player feedback
-Id love to know what you want you want added to the game

Programming and Game Design - Ben Burch
Art - Buko Studios
Music - I've paid several composers, but I haven't decided which one I'm going to use, I'm still hoping I'll find one that fits my games style better.
Alpha Testers - Sam Schaffer, Charles Moulding

When I get questions or ideas I will post my feedback here

Contact Info:
Kingdom Ablaze Email: kingdomablaze@yahoo.com
Kingdom Ablaze Twitter: https://twitter.com/KingdomAblaze
Kingdom Ablaze Deviant Art: http://kingdomablaze.deviantart.com/
Kingdom Ablaze: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KingdomAblazeTradingCardGame
I told you this before but i am super impressed with this and have always been a fan of card games. Online would be neat?
here are the cards that will be in the demo. i may tweak the looks more and i will make the abilities look better. these are shrunk versions so if anything looks squashed that's why.

what i changed: i made all the text larger and added the last few missing cards



Edit: Test Title screen:

I know its been about a year since I last posted, but I haven't stopped working on the game. In fact things are starting to get pretty serious recently. I've kicked things into a little bit of a higher gear. I created a facebook, twitter, and deviant art that I am working on updating daily (link in signature) Once those are done I'm going to focus on building a website (man I hate making sites lol) Anyways I updated the main post with new up to date info and I plan on adding a lot more in the coming weeks.

Please let me know what you think, what you would want added to the game, etc. I'm always open to new ideas. BTW I'm also looking for a few people to get involved either helping me test stuff or coming up with good deck ideas. I want the community I'm trying to build to have a huge say in the development process from now on.

Thanks fore reading,
I updated the screen shots to reflect the work I've been doing to make the alpha build look more professional. I'm not done, still a few small things to work out. I see I've gotten a lot of views and very few comments since my last update. If you could take a moment to tell me what I've done right/wrong, what you would like to know more about, what you would like to see, etc. I would really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading,
I got a lot of work done today:

I fixed all known bugs, including the long standing AI creature duplication glitch and rare crash when AI plays sword/shield
I added description text to all the spell cards (other cards coming soon)
I improved performance by about 7% on my testing machine (been a good week for optimization)

Official game version moved to 1.0.2 to reflect today's changes.

Still looking for testers and deck builders

Thanks for reading,
Your font is nearly unreadable.

That's also a LOT of elements/classes/colors. I suppose it depends on seeing the game in action, though, but from first glance it seems like you have too many there. Can't say much more about the design... I'd like some more explanation of how the game is played—maybe a video of the in-game tutorial? An explanation of card types or how an average turn plays out would bhe helpful.

I'm not a fan of the card frames. They seem very...90s? Maybe you can show some more higher-res images of the cards?

Also, since this is a modern card game and it's for digital platforms, you're not limited in your card layout design—for example: a lot of your cards seem to have empty text boxes. Why not give vanilla creatures full-card art and just have their stats in the bottom?

If those are placeholder frames, maybe I can help with the design. I have experience designing cards like this.

Thank you for viewing

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